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Demographics, Program Enrollments, Caseloads, Internal Referrals, Families, and Collections

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Participants | Main Page
Find Participant#Participants
Find Participant Site ID in ETO#Participant Site ID #Case Number #CLID
Add New Participant#Participants
Participant Photos#Participants #Photo
View Participant Info#Participants
View/Edit Participant#Participants An overview of the View/Edit Participant Screen
Delete Participants#Participants
Delete Fakes#Participants - This feature will allow you to delete any Participant, Entity, or POS element with the name of “Fake.”
Duplicate Participants | Main Page
Duplicate Participants | Add New Participant Alert#Participants
Duplicate Participants | Merge Duplicates
Participant Match | Participant and Entity#Participants #Contacts
Manage Add Participant/Family#Participants