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Demographic Audit Report


Updated over a year ago

The user can locate the Demographic Audit Report by using the side navigation menu, selecting Participants, then selecting either the View/Edit Participant or View Participant Information feature. 

At the top of the screen, the report will identify the date the Participant was first enrolled in the site, the user who most recently modified a demographic, and the date that modification occurred. 

Within the Audit Report, the following will be displayed: Demographic, Old Value, New Value, and Audit Date. The trail is then broken down by program and the user responsible for making the change.

The Demographic Audit Report also allows users to filter results by:

  • Demographic

  • Program: Program for which the users was in when the change was made

  • Modified by: User responsible for making the change

  • Date Modified: The actual date that the change occurred

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