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Internal Referrals | Manage and Create Referral Forms
Internal Referrals | Manage and Create Referral Forms

#Forms Referral Forms are similar to TouchPoints and are used when adding referrals through the new referrals feature in ETO.

Updated over a week ago

Users will create referral forms that will be used in the Add Internal Referral feature. The referral wizard will allow users to create specific referral forms that are specific to an organization’s needs. The referral wizard works in the same way that the TouchPoint wizard does. You can manage the referral settings, add questions, and set the security for the referral.

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Manage Internal Referral Forms.

Step 2 – You will see the following options:

  1. New Referral Form - Click this button to create a new referral form

  2. Show Disabled Referral Forms - Check this box to see referral forms that have been disabled

  3. Filter/Search - Filter or search for referral forms by name, subject type, or tags

  4. Edit - Edit a referral form, including settings and questions

  5. Calculations - Manage the calculations in the referral form

  6. Conditions - Manage the conditional rules in the referral form

  7. Security - Manage the referral form's security

  8. Enable/Disable - Click the check mark on a disabled referral form to enable it, and the 'no' symbol to disable it. Disabling the referral form prevents users from recording new data and making adjustments.

  9. Delete - Click the trash can icon to delete a referral form. Deleting the form also deletes the responses. 

Step 3 – Click the New Referral Form button at the top.

Create a Referral Form

 1. Give the referral form a tag(s) to group it together with similar referral forms.

  • If a tag is more than one word or a phrase, it should be placed between double quotes.

  • Tags should be separated from one another with a space.

  • Tags can be used by administrators on the Manage Referral Forms page to search for referral forms that are commonly related.

  • Tags are necessary for reporting.

  • If multiple referral forms should be reported on together, they should be tagged with the same tag. Remember: tags must be identical for this to work as expected. This includes spacing and punctuation.

2. Check the box if you wish to enable section quick links on each page.

  • Section Quick Links creates links on each page of the referral form so users can more easily navigate to sections in the form. This is especially useful for long forms that are completed during multiple sessions with a participant.

3. Check the box if you wish to enable question numbering.

4. Check the box if you wish to enable Enable projected start date entry when making a referral

5. Select if and how you would like to restrict the date taken field to a set number of days in the future or the past from the audit date.

  • If left unchecked, users will be able to enter any date when recording a referral form.

  • If either of the two options to restrict the date take to x number of days in the future/past of the audit date are checked, only a date within the selected time frame can be entered.

  • If "don't allow the date to be outside of a program enrollment when recording" is checked, the user must enter a date that falls within the program enrollment dates for the program where the form is being recorded.

6. Select if the Date Taken field should be blank by default.

Note: The standard date taken is not available when completing a single participant referral. The date defaults to todays date. We recommend adding a question for date taken or using the projected program start date field if your organization needs to be able to manipulate the date of a single participant referral.

  • If left unchecked, the date will default to the date that the referral form is first recorded.

  • If checked, the user must enter a date when recording the referral form.

  • If the program settings are set to Auto-Accept Referrals, the date of enrollment will always be the current calendar date at the time of submission.

7. Select if the referral form can be taken by a user for another user.

  • For example, some case managers work as a team and both case managers are working on completing a form together. As only one user account can be used at a time to record the referral form, it would be possible for the user to select to record it under the other user’s name. This would provide “credit” for the work to both users.

8. Select if users can select services needed for a participant when recording the referral form.

  • This feature will be used in conjunction with entity referral settings on the new Add Referral feature.

9. Select if users can insert a projected program start date for the participant referral.

  • This feature will be used in conjunction with the program capacity feature when using Add Referral.

10. If you would like your referral form to work in conjunction with approval functionality, select the approval form you would like to tie it to from the drop-down.

  • By selecting an approval form, the referral will gain a new "Approval Status" that may be reporting on and used to indicate whether it is pending, rejected, or approved by other users.

11. When editing, click on the Manage Referral Destination Visibility button.

  • This option is not available when creating a new referral form.

Manage Referral Destination Visibility allows you to show/hide the types of providers that will be visible to users when creating a new referral for this referral form.

  1. Programs - Select the programs that should be available in the referral feature.

  2. Entity Types - Select the entity types that should be available in the referral feature. Select or un-select all sites and programs in the enterprise by checking/un-checking this box.

  3. Click the toggle (+/-) to see programs in each site

  4. Click Save to save all changes

Note: Entities must be Enterprise Level in order to show in the Service Provider list when making the referral

Adding Questions

Finally, you can add questions to your referral much like you add TouchPoint questions to a TouchPoint.


  • The standard date taken is not available when completing a single participant referral. The date defaults to todays date. We recommend adding a question for date taken or using the projected program start date field if your organization needs to be able to manipulate the date of a single participant referral.

  • Referral forms do not have Save Progress or Save Draft features.

  • Referral forms cannot be a primary form.

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