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Dismiss Participants by Date

#Participants #Dismiss

Updated over a year ago

This feature allows you to dismiss multiple Participants from your Program at the same time relative to their Program Start Date. For instance, you could dismiss everyone who was enrolled during the past year at the same time by searching for Program Start Date “less than” today’s date.

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click "Participants". Then select "Dismiss Participants by Date".

Step 2 – Select the measurement for your Program start date(s).

  • For example, the measurements will work like this:


Step 3 – Select the date you want to set as the Program start date.

  • If you selected the between measurement, you will need to select two dates.

Step 4 – Click the "Search" button at the bottom. This will return a list of Participants that meet your search criteria.

Step 5 – Check the box(es) associated with the Participant(s) that you wish to dismiss.

Step 6 – Select the "Program End Date".

Step 7 – Select a dismissal reason from the drop-down.

Step 8 – Click the "Dismiss Participant" button.

Step 9 – You will get a confirmation that the Participant was dismissed.

If MORE THAN ONE Participant is selected:

Step 10 – Select if the Participants are dismissed with different end dates or with the same end date. Then click the Continue button.

Step 13 – If the Participants are being dismissed with DIFFERENT Program end dates, select the "Program End Date", reason of dismissal (from the drop-down menu), and check if they completed successfully for each Participant. The click the "Dismiss Participants" button.

Step 14 – If the Participants are being dismissed with the SAME Program end dates, select the "Program End Date", the reason for dismissal, and check if they completed successfully for the group. Then click the "Dismiss Participants" button.

  • A list of the Participants you have selected will display on the right side of the screen.

Step 15 – You will get a confirmation that the Participant was dismissed. Click OK to dismiss it.

Note that if the Participant that you are dismissing in part of a Collection, that Participant will be automatically removed from that Collection once they are dismissed from the Program that the Collection is in.

Quick-Reference Guide

Step 1 – Navigation Bar > Participants > Dismiss Participants by Date (NEW)

Step 2 – Select the measurement for your Program start date.

Step 3 – Select the date you want to set as the Program start date.

Step 4 – Click the search button.

Step 5 – Check the box(es) associated with the Participant(s) that you wish to dismiss.

If only ONE Participant is selected:

  1. Select the Program end date.

  2. Select the dismissal reason from the drop-down.

  3. Check the box if they have successfully completed the Program.

  4. Click the "Dismiss Participant" button.

  5. Click OK on the confirmation popup.

If MORE THAN ONE Participant is selected:

  1. Select if the Participants are dismissed with different end dates or with the same end date.

  2. Click the Continue button.

  3. If DIFFERENT end dates, select the date, reason, and successfully completed for each Participant individually.

  4. If SAME end date, select the date, reason, and successfully completed for the group.

  5. Click the "Dismiss Participant" button.

  6. Click OK on the confirmation popup.

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