The Manage Demographics page allows administrators to edit, disable, and delete the standard and custom demographics that display on the Add New Participant, Add New Family, View/Edit Participant, View Participant Info, and Find Participant pages.
There are 3 sections of the Manage Demographics page:
Demographic Settings change the layout and link to pages where you can manage duplicate settings and family demographics.
Standard Demographic fields come with ETO, are hard-coded, and cannot be altered. Standard Demographics have a Site-wide scope, which means they cannot be disabled for only one Program.
Custom Demographic fields can be created or modified when a standard demographic does not meet your needs.
Step-by-Step Instructions
On the Navigation Bar, click "Site Administration" and then "Select Manage Demographics."
The Demographic Settings will appear at the top of the page.
1. Add Demographic: This is a quick link to the Demographics Wizard.
2. Reorder Demographics: Change the order in which your demographic fields appear on the Add New Participant page.
3. Preview: This is a quick link to view the Add New Participant page. It is intended to allow the administrator to quickly review any changes made to demographics.
4. Show Disabled Demographics: Check this box to show demographics that have been disabled. The disabled demographics will appear in the Standard or Custom demographics sections beneath the settings. By default, disabled demographics are hidden.
5. Demographics Layout: Indicate if you want your demographics to appear in one or two columns.
6. Collect Address History
7. Show additional age breakdown for participants under 5: Check this box to display age as follows:
Infants less than one year old: Age will display in weeks and months
Children up to 5 years old: Age will display in months and years
Participants older than 5 years: Age will display in years only.
8. Capitalize Initial(s) for First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name: Check this box to automatically capitalize the first letter in the first, middle, or last name demographic field. This feature will impact the first letter of each name entered in one of the name fields, even when two names are entered into one field (for example, First Name: John Paul). This setting will not change the capitalization of letters in the middle of a name (ex: McCarthy); it will only ensure capitalization of the first letter.
9. Set Duplicate Check Settings: Click here to set the demographic fields that act as the criteria for the Duplicated Participants alert and the Duplicated Participants feature.
10. Manage ETO Barcode Sync & ETO Sync Settings: Click this link to manage the legacy Barcode feature.
11. Manage Family Demographics: Click this link to customize the demographics and how they appear on the Add New Family page.
Scroll down to view Standard demographics.
Standard Demographics
These fields are hard-coded and cannot be altered. They have a Site-wide scope. The following is a list of some of the standard demographics that come with ETO:
First Name: If this is selected to “Allow with Quick Search,” it will only work when the last name or initial is included in the search terms
Middle Initial: Will accept a full name
Last Name
Case Number: Option to View Only, which will auto-generate a number
DOB: Auto-generates age after Add New Participant record is submitted
Zip Code: Auto-generates city, state, and county after Add New Participant record is submitted
Work Phone: Requires 10 digits and will auto-format to (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Census Tract: Based on street address and zip code
Census Block: Based on street address and zip code
Neighborhood: Linked to Administrator settings on the Manage Housing page
Home Phone: Requires 10 digits and will auto-format to (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Cell Phone: Requires 10 digits and will auto-format to (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Referral Source: Entity cross reference. To edit answer values, add or enroll an Entity with the Referral Source entity type. On View/Edit Participant pages, this demographic appears as Referral Entity.
Funding Source: Entity cross reference. To edit answer values, add or enroll an Entity with the Referral Source entity type
Alert: A message that will appear each time the Participant's record is accessed from the View/Edit Participant feature.
Assigned Staff: Values are based on the Program Access assigned to users on the Manage User Accounts page
Although you can not change standard demographics, there are several settings that can be altered. These settings are across the top of the Standard Participant Demographics section.
Standard Demographic Name: Hard-coded and cannot be changed
Type: Shows the type of question
Description: Click Edit to create or edit a description for the Standard Demographic.
This description will appear as a hover message on data entry screens. If a pop-up window does not appear when you click edit, ensure that ETO is added as one of your browser's trusted sites.
Access-Level: Shows as N/A because all standard demographics have Site scope.
Required: Check the box to require an answer to the standard demographic before submitting the record.
Disabled: Check the box to disable a standard demographic
View Only: Check this box so the demographic will be grayed out and unable to be submitted from the Add New Participant page and View/Edit Participant page.
This feature is typically used when customers Batch Upload data from old databases. First they perform the Batch Upload, then they set the field to View Only so the historical data cannot be modified.
Case Number: Select View Only for case number to gray out the case number field. This will remain blank and grayed out while the User completes the Add New Participant page. Once the Participant is submitted, the field will be automatically populated with a number. Case Number cannot be marked as Required AND View Only.
View Only After Initial Save: Check this box when this value should not be edited after it is initially submitted.
Set for Duplicate Check: True indicates the demographic is included as criteria for checking for duplicate Participant records. Criteria is selected on the Set Duplicate Check Settings page.
Shared Across Enterprise: Check this box to share demographic data for Participants who are referred to other Sites across the enterprise.
Accepted as Data Point: Check this box to accept demographic data for Participants who have been referred to your Site from another in your enterprise.
Allow Quick Search: Selected fields become search criteria within the Quick Search.
Default fields are Last Name, SSN, and Case Number. Only four demographics can be selected at once.
Return with Quick Search: Selected fields will display data in the Quick Search Results.
The fields selected in this column should also be selected in the Allow Quick Search column. Default fields are Last Name, SSN, and Case Number.
Set for Self Assessment Check: This is a legacy feature for customers that want Participants to log into ETO to complete assessments themselves. This column allows the Administrator to determine which demographics will be used to validate the Participants' access.
To utilize this feature, there must be a User account with the role Survey Taker from the Manage User Accounts page and at least one Participant Assessment set Allow for Self-Assessment on the Manage Survey Assessment page.
Program Groups: This feature is only available for Custom Demographics.
Edit: This feature is only available for Custom Demographics.
Scroll further down to view Custom Participant Demographics.
Custom demographics can be created when a standard demographic doesn't meet your needs. Create custom demographics using the Demographics Wizard and modify the custom demographic using one of the features show in the table and listed below.
Custom Demographic Name: Click the name of the custom demographic to edit the name of the field.
Do not change what the demographic intends to measure by editing the name. If you need to completely change a custom demographic, disable the demographic and create a new one.
Be sure all demographics in your Enterprise have unique names. This will be important when you begin building reports.
Type: This indicates the type of demographic question and cannot be changed.
If Type needs to be changed, disable the demographic and create a new one with a new type.
Description: Click Edit to create or edit a description for the custom demographic. This description will appear as a hover message on data entry screens.
If a pop-up window does not appear when you click edit, ensure that ETO is added as one of your browser's trusted sites.
Access-Level: Shows the scope of the demographic: Program, Site, or Enterprise. Click edit to change the scope.
Once set, you can only increase the scope of a custom demographic, you cannot downgrade demographics to a smaller scope. If you need to create a custom demographic with a smaller scope, disable the existing demographic and make a new one.
The scope of a Demographic also determines where the selected options for that Demographic appear. For example, a Demographic scoped to Enterprise and set to Return with Quick Search will have the Return with Quick Search option check in all Sites.
Required: Check the box to require an answer to the demographic before submitting the record.
Disabled: Check the box to disable the demographic and so that it no longer appears on the Add New Participant page.
View Only: Check this box so the demographic will be grayed out and unable to be submitted from the Add New Participant page and View/Edit Participant page.
This feature is typically used when customers Batch Upload data from an old database. First they perform the batch upload, then they set the field to View Only so the historical data cannot be modified.
View Only After Initial Save: Check this box when this value should not be edited after it is initially submitted.
Set for Duplicate Check: This is available only for Standard Demographics.
Shared Across Enterprise: Check this box to share demographic data for Participants who are referred to multiple Sites across the enterprise.
Accepted as Data Point: This is available only for Standard Demographics.
Allow Quick Search: Selected fields become search criteria within the Quick Search.
Default fields are Last Name, SSN, and Case Number. Only four demographics can be selected at once.
Return with Quick Search: Selected fields will display data in the Quick Search Results.
The fields selected in this column should also be selected in the Allow Quick Search column. Default fields are Last Name, SSN, and Case Number.
Set for Self Assessment Check: This is a legacy feature for customers that want Participants to log into ETO to complete assessments themselves. This column allows the Administrator to determine which demographics will be used to validate the Participants' access.
To utilize this feature, there must be a User account with the role Survey Taker from the Manage User Accounts page and at least one Participant Assessment set Allow for Self-Assessment on the Manage Survey Assessment page.
Program Groups: Attach a custom demographic to a Program Groups for reporting and to ensure that certain demographics are only available to designated Program types.
Manage Program Groups is only an option for Site or Enterprise level custom demographics. Program level custom demographics cannot be put into Program Groups.
Edit: If the demographic has values (exclusive or non-exclusive choice) or has formatting options (file attachment), these can be changed, reordered and updated.
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