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Caseloads | Transfer Caseloads

#Participants – This article includes step-by-step instructions for how to transfer a Caseload between two Staff members.

Updated over a week ago

On the Caseload dashboard part for both My Caseload and Staff Caseloads, there is a feature for transferring Caseloads between Staff members. This allows you to move an existing Caseload to a different Staff member all at once. This feature is NOT Program-specific. All Participants in a Staff member's existing Caseload across all Programs will be transferred to the new Staff member.

Staff Caseloads Dashboard Part

Step 1 – On the Staff Caseloads dashboard part, click the Transfer button.

Step 2 – Under the Transfer Caseload section, you will see a drop down for Staff. Select the staff member that has the current Caseload you wish to transfer to a different staff member.

Step 3 – Once you have selected the correct staff member, find the staff member in the list that you want to transfer the Caseload TO.  Once you have found the correct staff member, select the checkbox next to their name.

  • Please note that this page saves dynamically. Once you have selected the checkbox next to the staff member's name, the Caseload will transfer instantaneously. All Participants in the old staff member's Caseload across all programs will be transferred to the new staff member immediately.

Step 4 – You will receive a pop up upon clicking the checkbox next to the staff members name that will say "Caseload has successfully been transferred to another Staff."

Step 5 – If you have selected a staff member that does not have a caseload, you will receive a message that says "Staff has no Caseload to transfer." Press OK, and select a new staff member. 

My Caseload Dashboard Part

Step 1 – On the My Caseload part, click the Transfer button.

Step 2 – Find the staff member in the list that you want to transfer your Caseload TO. Once you have found the correct staff member, select the checkbox next to their name.

  • Please note that this page saves dynamically. Once you have selected the checkbox next to the staff member's name, the Caseload will transfer instantaneously.

Step 3 – You will receive a pop up upon clicking the checkbox next to the staff members name that will say "Caseload has successfully been transferred to another Staff."

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