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Families | Manage Family Settings
Families | Manage Family Settings


Updated over a week ago

The Manage Family Settings page is used to manage which Demographics will auto-populate on the Add Family Screen and define which Demographics will be displayed for each Family Relationship.


Step 1 - On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration and then select Manage Family Settings.

Or, select Manage Family Demographics in the Manage Demographics screen.  

Step 2 - Update the settings as they appear on the 3 tabs on this page.  

General Settings

The check the box in the General Settings tab to automatically generate a Family Name.  

If the box is not checked, the user will have the ability to manually enter the family name.  

If the box is checked, a space to enter the family name will not be provided.  

Instead, the family name will be generated by the name of the Head of Household.  The family name will be the Head of Household's "First Name Last Name Family".  

Keep in mind, users can still change the family name on the View/Edit Family page, even when the family name is set to be auto-generated.  

Auto-populate Demographics

Check the boxes in this tab to copy frequently shared demographics for family members who are entered from the Add New Family page.  

Check the box in the Copy Demographic column to allow that demographic to be copied and applied to the demographic record of other family members.  

Some demographics (SSN, Case Number, DOB) cannot be shared among family members, because they are unique and individual values.  Other demographics, like Gender, should not be copied because they are likely to be different among family members.  

Keep in mind this feature can be applied to both Standard and Custom demographics. 

Once demographics are selected, click Save in the bottom right corner.  

Demographic Relationships

This tab helps you customize which demographics show based on the family relationship selected.  In other words, it removes unnecessary demographic fields from the Add New Family page.   

Check the box to make that demographic appear for that type of family member.  Uncheck the box to remove it.  

Be sure to always leave required demographic fields checked for all relationships.  

This feature is helpful when collecting data for parents and children.  You may need to request a Work Phone Number for Parents, but you would not collect a work number for children.  In that case, you would uncheck the Work Phone Number box associated with the Child relationship.   

This only applies to the Add New Family page and not to View/Edit Participant page.  In other words, users will still be able to view and edit all demographics for family members from the View/Edit Participant page.  

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