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Caseloads | Main Page
Updated over a week ago

ETO Caseloads allow Staff to have an assigned list of Participants. These Caseloads can be managed by Staff or managers, though our best practices recommend a manager be primarily in charge of setting up Caseloads.

Caseloads can be easily seen and managed on Participant or Staff Dashboards. They can be used to restrict Staff Users to certain Participants in ETO. They can be a helpful way for all Users to see who the caseworker is of each Participant. Overall, they are a wonderful tool for setting up custom Participant and Staff relationships.

Getting Started

  1. The first step in preparing an ETO instance for Caseloads is to enable Caseload Access. This will allow specified Users to Add or Update their own or other Staff User Caseloads.

  2. Caseloads are managed by accessing parts on the Dashboard. It is important to enable these parts on the Dashboard so that Staff Users can see and edit their Caseloads:

    1. My Caseload for seeing one's own Caseload

    2. Staff Caseload for seeing all Caseloads.

    3. Optional: you can add a Caseworker part to the Participant dashboard to allow visibility from their Dashboard.

  3. Finally, we recommend reviewing this article on Adding Participants to Caseload. The Caseload page saves instantaneously, so it is important to review its functions.

  4. Caseload notifications (emails) and some additional settings are adjusted in Manage Programs.

Working with Caseloads

  1. Transfer individual Participants from one Staff member to another

  2. Move an entire Caseload from one Staff member to another

  3. Add new Caseload assignments or end open Caseload assignments in mass using Batch Upload Caseloads

    1. Historic Caseload data cannot be uploaded

Reporting on Caseloads

  1. Filters for Caseload assignments can be applied to any custom report: Caseload Filters in Reports

  2. Tracks current Caseload assignments at a glance: Standard Current Caseload Report


  • Caseloads are Program-specific. Each Participant/Staff relationship is specific to each Program.

  • Caseloads must be assigned within the enrollment period. If a Participant has a post-dated start date, you cannot assign them to a Caseload until the enrollment officially starts.

  • Caseload Start/End Dates cannot be updated after being entered in to ETO. If Caseload Start/End Dates are entered incorrectly, ETO Support must be contacted to correct the data. This may be a billable service.

  • Caseload data can only be entered chronologically. If a Caseload begins in 2020, data for 2018 cannot be entered in the system for that Participant in that Program.

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