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Families | Add New Family with Existing Participants
Families | Add New Family with Existing Participants


Updated yesterday

Adding a family using existing Participants is useful when you have individuals receiving service who now need to receive services as a family unit. Once the family is created, it will have a dashboard. Modifications to the family can be made using the View/Edit Families feature.

To Create a New Family:

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Participants.

  2. Select View/Edit Families.

3. Click View Participants Not Currently in a Family.

4. Click on the name of the Participant who is being added to a new family.

5. You will arrive at the View/Edit Family screen for your newly created family.

6. The family name will automatically be the Participant's name. You can change this by clicking the Edit Family Name button.

7. Click the Search for Others link at the bottom of the table.

8. Search by first or last name to find the next family member, or do a blank search to return all Participants.

9. Check the box next to the name(s) of the Participant(s) you want to add to the family.

10. Click Add New Members to Family at the bottom of the page.

11. You will be able to set the family relationships for the new members and change the Head of Family when you return to the family's View/Edit page.

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