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View Participant Info


Updated over a week ago

This functionality allows Users to find any Participant, enrolled or dismissed, who has ever been in the Program in which the User is currently working and view their demographic information.

This feature is often removed from the Navigation Bar due to the data set being included in the Find Participant, View/Edit Participant, and Quick Search features. 

In-Depth Instructions

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click "Participants". Then select "View Participant Info".

Step 2 – Use the search functionality to find your Participant or leave the search box blank to see all Participants. Then click "Search".

  • You can include dismissed Participants in the results by checking the box under the search bar.

Step 3 – Click on the Participant's name to access their read-only demographics record.

Step 4 – From this page, you will have a few options that will take you to different features in ETO:

  1. Clicking the Audit Report button will allow you to view any changes that have been made to the Participant’s demographic record. This report breaks down the changes by Program and allows the User to filter results by demographic(s).

  2. Clicking the Program History button will allow you to view a full record of past or current Program enrollments including Program start date, Program end date, projected end date, number of days in the Program, reason for dismissal, and the Staff member who enrolled the Participant.

  3. Clicking the View Participant Dashboard button will allow you to view the dashboard for that Participant.

  4. This is the status of the Participant: currently enrolled vs. dismissed. Hover your mouse over the status to see which Programs the Participant is currently enrolled in or which Programs the Participant has been dismissed from.


  1. Navigation Bar > Participants > View Participant Info

  2. Use the search function to find the Participant you would like to work with.

  3. Click on the name of the Participant.

  4. From this page, the options will allow you to view:

  • Audit Report

  • Program History

  • View Participant Dashboard

  • Status of the Participant

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