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PCCD Help Home

#PCCD #Home

Updated over 10 months ago

Need Help with ETO?

The easiest way to obtain help from PCCD’s ETO Team is to contact the ETO Resource Email Account at

If you need immediate assistance, you can contact Bonterra Tier 1 Customer Support at (866) 732-3560 x2. You will need to inform them that you are with the PCCD Enterprise.

To access the full ETO knowledge base, click here.

ETO Team Members:

Below is a list of ETO Team members at PCCD and their direct contact information:

ETO User Manual – Updated March 2022

The ETO User Manual has been parsed out into sections to make it easier to navigate. Please select the links below for step-by-step directions on that particular topic.

The ETO Team has also created recorded mini-trainings on a variety of ETO topics. You can access this information by sending a request to the ETO Resource Account at


Helpful Hints:

1. ETO is now browser neutral; however, if a user wants to access old assessments, they will need to use browsers other than Chrome.

2. When creating fake participants for training/testing, the participant should always have the last name of FAKE. The ETO system automatically recognizes FAKE as unneeded data and therefore will not pull it into reports.

3. If entering a fictitious birthday, always start the date with 01/01 (January 1st) and then put a best estimated year.

4. The Chat Feature can be used for emergent issues which is a direct line to Tier 1 support.

5. Primary County: When adding a new participant into your program, be sure to select the Primary County where the participant is receiving their services (not necessarily where they are from).

6. Browser Technical Settings FAQs and Tips: To avoid having to run your report twice when trying to export your results, you will need to adjust your automatic prompting for downloads setting in your Internet Security settings. To do so, please go to Tools > Internet Options > click on your Security tab > click on the 'Custom level...' link > scroll down to your Downloads section and set the 'Automatic prompting for file downloads' setting to Enable.

7. From time to time centers will receive hotline calls related to a service the center does not provide. The center should make an appropriate referral but the question about how to record this time remains. The most direct way to answer this question is this: if you wouldn’t create a client file (either paper or in ETO) for the person who called then the time should not be recorded in ETO. Yes, you may have to provide crisis intervention services to the caller to find out what service they need, but if you are not funded to provide the service requested, you cannot report the time to a funder. We realize that centers want to account for every minute spent providing services, but sometimes that just cannot happen.

For additional technical tips, please click here to view our Technical FAQ page.

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