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PCCD - General Efforts - Staff/Volunteer

#PCCD #General #Staff

Updated over 2 years ago

General Efforts – Staff/Volunteer

For Staff/volunteer, you can record efforts for Staff or Volunteers or both. Different General Efforts will appear, depending on which type of Entity (Staff or Volunteer) it is being recorded for.

To record this TouchPoint, from your home screen on the left navigation area, select TouchPoints. Then select Record TouchPoints.

You will then be taken to the below screen.

  • Select the drop down arrow and scroll down and select General Efforts TouchPoint – Staff/Volunteer

Once you have selected the correct TouchPoint, click Continue

Clicking Continue will bring you to the below screen. Sections indicated by the red asterisk are required fields to save this TouchPoint.

  • First enter the date at the top and then the appropriate county. Selecting Staff will display a Staff name box which is a drop down listing your staff.

As you scroll down this page, you will see the below area where you have the option of continuing on to the next page or save your current record

Selecting Next will bring you to the below screen.

  • The first thing you will notice is that the date is auto filled at the top. There are three additional tabs at the top of the screen. They are:

    • Education/Prevention Activities;

    • Systems Advocacy; and


Education/Prevention Activities

The activities being recorded are affiliated with: Select if the activity was related to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Other Crime. Check all that apply.

Education/Prevention Activity Provided: Select the type of activity that was provided. (Community Wide Event; Primary Prevention; or Education/Awareness.)

Presentation was provided: Identify if the presentation was provided In-Class; Out of Class; or to a Community Group.

  • In Class – primary prevention or education awareness activities provided in a school setting. (Examples: pre-school, Head Start, elementary school, middle school, high school, vocational training school, college/university, etc.)

  • Out of Class - primary prevention or education awareness activities provided to the same age groups but outside of a classroom setting. (Examples: after-school program, summer camp, YWCA group, Boy/Girl Scouts, Boys/Girls Clubs, 4-H groups, faith-based settings, fraternity/sorority gatherings, residence hall settings, sport team gathering, etc.)

  • Community Groups - primary prevention or education awareness activities provided to adult members of community organizations. (Examples: Lion’s Club, Rotary, congregation, auxiliary club, civic group, etc.)

Age Group: : Select all of the age groups this presentation was provided to during this day. Check all that apply. Additional fields will generate to enter the number of programs for each age group and the number of participants for each age group.

Public Presentation:

Educational Entity:If your agency enters all area schools, etc. into ETO as Entities with their Entity Type of Educational Institution, then the school name will appear as a selection under the field. You can then also enter the contact name of the person at the school the educational activity was arranged with.

There is a chart located in the APPENDIX that indicates which Education/Prevention activities map to the respective funder report. Definitions for each activity are located under the chart in the APPENDIX.

At the bottom of this page you have Save options or the option to proceed to the next page, which is Systems Advocacy.

Systems Advocacy

This tab is used to identify what types of systems advocacy your agency is engaged in.

There are two types of systems advocacy that you can choose from.

  • The table below indicates the funder reports they are mapped to, followed by their definitions.

Select what type of crime the systems advocacy is related to and enter the total time on the type of advocacy.

  • You can select more than one crime type. If you select two, the information must be the same for both. If not, you want to enter two separate efforts.

There is a chart located in the APPENDIX that indicates which Systems Advocacy activities map to the respective funder report. Definitions for each activity is located under the chart in the APPENDIX.

At the bottom of this page you have Save options or the option to proceed to the next page, which is TRAININGS PROVIDED By Agency.

Trainings PROVIDED By Agency

Type of Training Provided: Select if the training was related to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Other Crime. Check all that apply.

Type of Training: Select the type of training that your agency provided from the drop down box. The list of trainings to choose from is filtered based on your selection of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, or Other Crime.

Name of Training: This text box allows you to enter in the exact name of the training.

Number Attended: Enter the number of individuals who participated in the training.

Attendance Sheet Upload: If you click on the ‘Select’, you are able to search through any folders on your computer and save the attendance sheet to ETO. This may be useful during monitoring visits from funders.

There is a chart located in the APPENDIX that indicates which “Trainings Provided by Agency” map to the respective funder report. Definitions for each activity is located under the chart in the APPENDIX.

Volunteer In-Direct Services

Only one tab will appear for volunteers: Volunteer In-Direct Services.

  • You can select multiple in-direct services on the list.

  • After you select the effort(s) that the volunteer provided, a time field box will appear for you to enter in the time that was spent by the volunteer providing the effort.

A volunteer must already be set up as an Entity in order for their name to appear in the dropdown box.

Please refer to the chart located in the APPENDIX that indicates which Volunteer In-Direct Services gets mapped to funder reports. Definitions are provided below the chart in the Appendix.

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