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PCCD - Appendix 7. Track Community Education and Prevention Services

#PCCD #Education #Prevention

Updated over 2 years ago

Definitions for General Efforts listed under Track Community Education & Prevention Services by Staff

The below table lists the type of events available for selection under this category as well as which funder report the selection will get mapped to.

* Any of the above values will map to “Public Presentation” in the VOCA report ONLY if you answer “YES” to the question: “Did presentation identify victimization and refer victims to service?”

1. Community Wide Event: An event your agency may attend to raise awareness about the crime victims you serve and the specific services that are provided. Examples include having an information booth at a community health fair, etc. Record each Community Wide Event as a separate effort.

2. Primary Prevention: Education strategies designed to prevent violence before it occurs by focusing on conditions that reduce violence. Efforts should be comprehensive (address multiple levels of the social ecology – individual, relationship, community, and society), culturally and age-appropriate, collaborative, evidence-based/informed and incorporate evaluation. Prevention efforts are most effective when provided over time (more than once) with a particular audience/community. Prevention is about behavior change; therefore, strategies must move beyond knowledge and awareness and include opportunities for audiences to learn, practice, and adopt skills and behavior changes that create environments/cultures free from violence.

  • Recording Primary Prevention in ETO: Report each session of a series as a separate program, but only count each participant once for the whole series. The programs should be counted after the completion of the final session. (Example: A center implements a 6-session curriculum with 40 participants in September. The sessions will occur once a week for 6 weeks, ending in October. The center would count 6 programs to 40 participants on the October stat report.)

3. Education/Awareness: One-time presentation designed to raise awareness about domestic violence, sexual violence, and/or other violent crime. The presentation also provides information about the availability of services and can occur in a classroom and/or community setting. In addition, it may include county and/or statewide campaigns. Efforts previously recorded as Public Presentations should be entered here.

  • Recording Education/Awareness in ETO: Report each program as it happens counting each participant that attends the program. (Example: A center provides an awareness presentation to a kindergarten class of 30 students during September. The center would count one program to 30 students on the September stat report.)

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