Track Emergency Housing (DV-SA-OC)
This TouchPoint is completed by PCADV funded agencies that provide emergency shelter.
County of Program: Enter the county your program is providing the service.
Crime Type: Select a crime type, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault or Other Crimes. After you select a crime type the Victimization, Date & Offender input will appear.
Victimization, Date, & Offender: Make sure the response cross reference (Victimization, Date and Offender) is for Domestic Violence. The PCADV report is written to ONLY pull over efforts that have a Domestic Violence Victimization.
Type of Shelter Provided: Select either In-house (Shelter); Hotel/Motel.
Date Entered Shelter: This is a mandatory field and is the first day the participant entered shelter.
Date Exited Shelter: This is the day the participant leaves shelter. You will not know the Exit Date when the Participant first arrives. When the Participant exits shelter, you must then EDIT this effort by entering the EXIT date.
The TouchPoint auto-calculates the Total Shelter Nights for you.
If a participant enters and exits shelter on the same day, the total that will be appear on this effort is β0β nights. HOWEVER, the PCADV and VOCA report is written so that if a participant enters and exits shelter on the same day, it will count as 1 night.
Was shelter a result of Medical Advocacy: This is a PCADV required field. If βYESβ is selected, information entered will map to the PCADV Medical Advocacy Report for NEW Adult Victims. This field will only appear if the crime type of Domestic Violence is selected.
You can edit the participant dashboard to make the Track Emergency Housing TouchPoint visible. This makes it easier to Edit the Exit Date of the Participant.
A WebEx training has been recorded demonstrating how to edit Participant Dashboards and is available on the PCCD website.