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PCCD - General Efforts - Trainings Received by Agency

#PCCD #General #Touchpoint #Trainings

Updated over 3 years ago

General Efforts -Trainings RECEIVED by Agency

This TouchPoint allows you to record trainings that your individual Staff and/or Volunteers received.

By doing so, you are able to track the amount of training hours Staff and Volunteers receive during a given time period.

  • Staff and Volunteers must be entered into ETO as Entities prior to recording this TouchPoint.

  • No information from this TouchPoint gets mapped to a funder report. However, you can run a separate report in ETO to generate a list of your Staff and Volunteer Training Hours.

When you first select this TouchPoint, you will be taken to a list of all of your entities. Select which Staff and/or Volunteers received the training.

Primary County

Select which county the TRAINING RECEIVED should be reported to. This ultimately determines the county to which the report data will be mapped to. If your agency only receives funding to provide services to one county, that is the only county that will appear.

The Training was related to

Select if the training was related to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Other Crime. Check all that apply.

Training Topic

Select the type of training that was received.

Other Training Topic

If the training that was received does not match an item from the generated list of trainings, you can enter the training topic here. Followed by the Training Description.

Training Certificate/Email confirmation of Completion of Training

If you click on the ‘Select’, you are able to search through any folders on your computer and save the Training Certificate to ETO. This may be useful during monitoring visits from funders.

The following is a list of Training Topics that can be selected. This Table and their definitions can be found in the APPENDIX.

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