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PCCD - Appendix 17. VOCA Report Instructions

#PCCD #VOCA #Report

Updated over 2 years ago

ETO Case Management: VOCA Report Instructions

  1. Go to left hand side navigation bar: REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS (NEW)

  2. Select REFRESH REPORT LIST to allow for any new reports to be updated to your list

  3. VOCA Quarterly Report

    1. Click on the + sign beside PCCD and it will expand to show you a list of reports:

      1. VOCA Quarterly Report (Submission Report) – Summary only version of the VOCA report. USE THIS VERSION TO SAVE AND ATTACH TO EGRANTS. This is the version you will use to run, save, and submit to PCCD via EGrants for your quarterly program report.

      2. VOCA Quarterly Report (Names, Data Tabs) – Full report with Participant Names and data quality check tabs across the bottom

      3. VOCA Quarterly Report (Anonymized, Data Tabs) – Full report with data quality check tabs, but does not include Participant Names. This is what you would use if you need to send a copy to PCCD’s ETO Team for Technical Assistance.

  4. Report Prompts

    1. After about a minute, the Report Prompts will generate. (If they do not appear, you likely have a pop-up blocker enabled that is preventing them from populating.)

      1. Please note the NEW Proration Percentage Prompt! This number will be included in the report, but not immediately applied to the numbers in the report.

    2. Please follow the guidance below to select the correct Report Prompts. Please note that once Each Selection for the Report Prompts are chosen, you need to select the > symbol to pull it into the Report Prompt.

    3. Begin Date: Enter the Date for the Beginning of the Reporting Quarter.

    4. End Date: Enter the Date for the End of the Reporting Quarter

    5. Site Name: Select your ETO Site Name from the list.

    6. Once all report prompts are entered, select RUN QUERY and your report will generate

    7. Special Note About Counties: In this version of the VOCA report, there is no longer a County Prompt. For Case Management agencies, the VOCA report will run based upon the counties that the VOCA Services TouchPoint was completed for. As a reminder, this is the TouchPoint that is completed for “VOCA, Person” to identify what services your agency is providing with VOCA funding.

  5. VOCA Report

    1. After 1 or 2 minutes, your report should generate. There are multiple TABS located at the bottom of the Report. Select the one titled Summary to view the full report.

  6. VOCA Report Tabs

    1. Demographics

      1. Provides a breakdown of demographics of New individuals during the reporting period.

      2. Any demographics that are blank are counted under “Not Reported”

    2. Victimization Errors

      1. Lists the victimizations that are not mapped to the VOCA Report.

      2. These victimizations did not meet the counting parameters for the victimizations. This occurs most often when the age of victim does not match the victimization selected.

        1. Example: Sexual Abuse of Children victimization and the victim’s age is 18 or over. Additional example is a Significant Other having a victimization of Adult Survivor of Incest or Child Sexual abuse where the direct victim is a “minor”.

    3. Victimizations

      1. Provides the information on the Victimizations counted in the VOCA Report.

      2. Received Service in report will show the participants site ID if the participant received a service during the reporting period.

      3. The Age of Report Date variables calculates a participants age based on date of birth recorded and the date of the begin date of the report and the end date of the report. These age calculations have an impact on which victimization type the victimization should be mapped to.

    4. Services SA, DV, OC

      1. The services are split out over 3 tabs based on which service touchpoint (OC, SA, DV) the service was completed.

      2. It is broken out by Participant ID and date taken of service.

      3. The service columns (Example: A1. Crim Jus) will have a number in the column if the service was counted in that category. The number itself is the touchpoint ID and the response ID combined.

    5. Emergency Housing Detail

      1. Shows the Participant ID and the dates the Participant was in shelter. Page 4 of 6

      2. Date Entered and Date Exited are the dates manually entered into the touchpoint.

      3. Date Entered Clamped and Date Exited Clamped are the dates served specifically in the reporting report. Example: If the Date Exited has no entry because the participant is still in shelter at the end of the reporting period the Date Exited Clamped will be the last date of the reporting period.

    6. Transitional Housing Detail

      1. Shows the Participant ID and the dates the Participant was in housing.

      2. Date Entered and Date Exited are the dates manually entered into the touchpoint.

      3. Date Entered Clamped and Date Exited Clamped are the dates served specifically in the reporting report. Example: If the Date Exited has no entry because the participant is still in shelter at the end of the reporting period the Date Exited Clamped will be the last date of the reporting period.

    7. Attorney Services

      1. The responses made in the Attorney Service TouchPoint are shown in this data tab.

    8. VOCA Annual Services

      1. Shows the most recent responses the VOCA Annual Services TouchPoint. separated by county.

      2. The counties listed on this tab are the counties the report will be ran for automatically.

      3. The VOCA Funded Services selected determine which services will be counted in the report.

    9. Saving VOCA Report

      1. At the top of the report screen SELECT this icon:

      2. An EXPORT Screen will appear:

      3. Under the “File Type” you have the option to select PDF; Excel, CSV, or Text.

        1. If you are attaching the report to EGrants, select PDF and make sure you ran the VOCA Quartlery Report (Submission Report).

      4. Once you selected the File Type, Select OK and your report will generate in that format. You will now be able to save this document to your computer.

      Submitting your VOCA Report

    1. EGrants

    1. Once you confirm that the data in your report is accurate, you will need to enter the report into EGrants. (You will need an EGrants account to enter information.)

    2. This information is due in EGrants no later than the 15th of the month that the report is due. (The 15th of the following month in which the quarter ends.).

    3. Be sure the SUMMARY ONLY version of the VOCA Submission Report is attached to EGrants!

    4. You will enter a PROGRAM REPORT into EGrants for each VOCA grant your agency receives. (You will run one combined report for all your VOCA grants.)

    5. Indicate if the project is on schedule

    6. Write a brief description regarding the activities that your agency conducted.

    7. In the ATTACHMENT SECTION you will need to:

      1. Attach your agency’s VOCA report in a PDF Format. Then select SAVE COMPLETE.

        1. Because ETO generates a comprehensive VOCA report that encompasses all of your VOCA grants, you will upload the same physical VOCA report into each grant in EGrants.

      2. Attach the VOCA Proration Percentage Form

      3. Attach the Personnel Grantee List

    8. In the PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SECTION, you do not have to do anything except select SAVE COMPLETE.

    9. Once all the sections have been completed, select SUBMIT at the bottom of the screen

    2. PCCD Staff VOCA Report Review

    1. PCCD staff will review the VOCA report you submitted in EGrants.

    2. Any issues regarding the report will be sent to the agency through EGrants with a due date to respond.

    3. All correspondence back and forth between PCCD and the VOCA recipient agency will occur in EGrants.

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