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PCCD - Victimization Assessments

#PCCD #Victimization

Updated over a year ago

Victimization Assessment TouchPoints (DV; SA; OC)

This TouchPoint is essential for connecting data to the appropriate funder report (VOCA, PCAR and PCADV reports).

You MUST complete a Victimization Assessment TouchPoint for every Participant you enter into the Case Management Program of ETO.

On July 1, 2019, the Victimization Assessment TouchPoint was separated into three distinct touchpoints – DV, SA and OC. If a returning participant has not received services since July 1, 2019, a NEW Victimization Assessment TouchPoint will need to be completed for the Participant.

Participants do not need to have a new Victimization Assessment completed each fiscal year. The only instances you would need to complete a New Victimization Assessment TouchPoint for a returning participant in a new fiscal year are:

  1. Participant turned 18 and the victimization was child based to adult; or

  2. Participant was a victim of a new crime and they are now receiving services for that incident.

Minor Victimization

Adult Victimization

Statutory Sexual Assault

Adult Survivor of Incest or Child Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse of Children

Adult Survivor of Incest or Child Sexual Abuse

Please follow the instructions below for guidance on how to complete the Victimization Assessment TouchPoint.

  • Victimization Assessment TouchPoint – DV (Domestic Violence)

    • Select if participant will be receiving services as a result of DV.

    • This will be mapped to the VOCA report.

    • This will be mapped to the PCADV report only if you are an agency that receives funding from PCADV.

  • Victimization Assessment TouchPoint – SA (Sexual Assault)

    • Select if participant will be receiving services as a result of SA.

    • This will be mapped to the VOCA report.

    • This will be mapped to the PCAR report only if you are an agency that receives funding from PCAR.

  • Victimization Assessment TouchPoint – OC (Other Crime)

    • Select if participant will be receiving services as a result of a violent crime that is NOT related to SA or DV.

    • This will only be mapped to the VOCA report.

    • Only acceptable if your agency receives VOCA funding to provide services to Other Crime Victims.

Record Type

  • Victim – Select if participant is a crime victim.

  • Significant Other

    • Select if participant is a significant other to a crime victim

    • VOCA does not delineate between a crime victim and significant other. Either designation will appear on VOCA report as “victim”.

      • If Significant Other:

        • Relationship to Victim: Please select the relationship to the Victim from the drop-down choices.

        • Is Victim a Minor or an Adult: You are required to answer this question if you select Significant Other as the Record Type. This provides vital information for report mapping.

        • Federal Title XX Service (DHS): This question will only appear on the DV or SA Victimization Assessment TouchPoint. Select if the services are for an Adult or Child – based on the age of the participant.

NOTE: If a Participant seeks services under another victim category, you will need to complete a new Victimization Assessment TouchPoint so Track Direct Services recorded under the new Record Type will map correctly to funder reports. (Example: Participant first presented as a Victim in July and now is also receiving services as a Significant Other in September; OR Participant is a victim of both Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence.) Participants must have more than one corresponding Victimization Assessment TouchPoint if they are receiving services for a different crime

Primary Type of Victimization

Select the Primary Victimization. This field is used to determine how data is mapped to the VOCA, PCAR, and/or PCADV reports.

Secondary Type of Victimization

This field allows you to capture other crimes that were also committed against this participant. Information selected here will be mapped to the PCAR report under the section titled Victimization Type in conjunction with the Primary Victimization and to the PCADV report under the section titled Secondary Type of Victimization, however, no information in this section will be included in the VOCA report. The complete list of Secondary Victimizations and the corresponding funder report the information is being mapped to can be found in the Appendix of this manual.

Offender Information

These fields will appear on a separate tab of the Victimization Assessment TouchPoint, but it is still part of the TouchPoint. You can document offender information and tie it to the victimization of a participant. The only field in this section mapped to a funder report is the “Offender Relationship to Victim”. This is mapped to the Victim/Offender Relationship section of both the PCAR and PCADV reports. This is important to ensure that if for whatever reason the offender becomes a victim that is in need of services from your agency. You can ensure that the first victim and their offender are separated while still maintaining the fidelity of your agency’s goals, you can ensure that the first victim and their offender are separated while still maintaining the fidelity of your agency’s goals.

Multiple Victimization Assessment (VA) TouchPoints:

During the course of working with a Participant, they may disclose an additional victimization OR become the victim of another crime. If you are going to be providing services to assist them with the new disclosure(s), you must complete a NEW Victimization Assessment TouchPoint.

Revising a Victimization Assessment (VA)TouchPoint

The only time you want to edit a VA TouchPoint is to correct an error or to record additional information that was not originally available to you when completing the Victimization Assessment. (Example: Offender Information)

Later in this manual, instructions are provided on how to Edit/Revise a TouchPoint.

Special Note: In order for your data to map properly, the following must occur:

1. If a VA is not completed, no information about that Participant will appear in any funder report.

2. Data in the VA will not appear on a funder report until a Direct Services TouchPoint is recorded for that Participant.

3. The date the VA was completed must be equal or prior to the first Effort being recorded.

a. Example: If an effort is recorded on 7/1 but the VA is not completed until 8/1, no information will be mapped to a report that was entered prior to 8/1.

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