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PCCD - Appendix 13. How to Create a 'Survey Taker' Role
Updated over 2 years ago

Creating a “Survey Taker Role” Account in ETO

Agencies are able to provide Participants with an electronic link to complete the ESQ-LF directly in ETO.

Participants may be more likely to complete the ESQ-LF if they have the option of entering it on the website in lieu of completing a paper document.

The first thing a Site Manager must do is set up a “dummy” User Account that Participants can access only to enter the ESQ-LF.

  1. Log onto ETO and go to Site Administration > Manage User Accounts

2. Click “Add New User.”

3. On the Add User screen, create a “dummy” user account…making sure to select the Role of “Survey Taker” The Reporting Role will be Staff

4. Create a generic username and password. (Example: username = password = takesurvey1)

5. Click “Save.”

6. Give the survey taker account access to the Survey Program. This will be done on the bottom of the same page. Simply click the check box next to “Survey Program.”

7. Click “Save and Close.”

When the Participant logs into ETO, the only thing they can see/do is complete a survey. Be sure to provide Participants with guidance on completing the survey. They will see the exact same ESQ-LF survey in ETO that you see when accessing the Survey program.

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