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PCCD - Appendix 9. Track Trainings Provided by Staff

#PCCD #Trainings

Updated over 2 years ago

Definitions for General Efforts Trainings Provided by Agency

The below table lists the type of Training activities available for selection under this category, as well as, which funder report the selection will get mapped to.

1. DV Counselor/Advocate Training: Consists of a minimum of 45 hours of training for direct service staff and/or volunteers, which includes at least 40 hours of didactics and a minimum of five (5) hours of supervised practicum experience working with a trained volunteer or staff person. Report only the number of 40-hour trainings completed and the number of persons actually completing the 40 hours of training. [Example: One class of 8 completed the 40-hour training in May, so in May you report 1 training for 8 people.]

2. SA Counselor/Advocate Training: Consists of a minimum of 40 hours of training for direct service staff and/or volunteers. Conducted for the purpose of meeting statutory requirements and follows a PCAR approved syllabus. Report only the number of 40-hour trainings completed and the number of persons actually completing the 40 hours of training. [Example: One class of 8 completed the 40-hour training in May, so in May you report 1 training for 8 people.]

3. DV/SA Counselor Advocate Training: Consists of the minimum requirements established by both PCAR and PCADV. Report only the number of trainings completed and the number of persons actually completing the training. [Example: One class of 8 completed the dual training in May, so in May you report 1 training for 8 people.]

4. Community Systems/Allied Professionals Training: Trainings provided for/with other agencies/systems/professionals in the community to better enable those agencies/systems to meet the needs of domestic violence and/or sexual violence victims/survivors. Examples include

prosecutors; magisterial district judges; Children & Youth Services; Drug & alcohol Services; Behavioral Health Services; etc.

5. Law Enforcement Personnel Training: Training provided to any type of law enforcement personnel. (Police, Sherriff, Constable, Corrections Officer)

6. Staff/Volunteer Training: In-service training provided to agency’s own staff and/or volunteers. This does not include DV Counselor/Advocate, SA Counselor/Advocate, or DV/SA Counselor/Advocate trainings.

7. Hospital/Healthcare Based Training: Trainings provided by the program to improve the practice of individual clinicians and/or to improve the institutional response to domestic violence and sexual assault. Included in this category is training designed for health care practitioners who work in primary care, ob/gyn, family practice, and/or emergency medicine either in hospital or clinic settings as well as a variety of specialty practitioners (such as surgeons, cardiologists, dentists, neurologists, mental health clinicians, emergency department staff and family planning clinicians) since health issues related to domestic violence and sexual assault appear in every health care setting.

8. Trainings for Other Healthcare/Medical Personnel: Trainings provided by a victim service program on the health related impacts of domestic and/or sexual violence. Examples might include training for ambulance personnel; EMT’s; visiting nurses; hospice; substance abuse specialists; etc.

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