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PCCD - RASA/VOJO Business Entity


Updated over 2 years ago

Business Entities – RASA/VOJO ONLY

In ETO, a business entity can be added as a victim for RASA/VOJO services.

How to Create Business Entities in ETO:

  1. Select ENTITIES and then Add New Entity (NEW) from the left-hand side navigation bar.

  2. Enter the Business Name into the first field.

    1. Entity Type: When adding Business Entities, select “Businesses” in the drop-down box as the Entity Type.

    2. Enter in any other identifying information you have on the business. Entering as much information as possible can be beneficial later.

    3. Once you are finished entering the Business information, click save. You will see a text box pop up saying your entity has been saved successfully.

How to complete a Business Victimization TouchPoint in ETO:

Once you have entered your business entity, the next step is to add a Business Victimization in order to track the RASA and VOJO services provided.

  1. On the left-hand navigation bar, click TouchPoints and then Record TouchPoints.

2. In the dropdown menu, select Business Victimization TouchPoint. The following screen will appear.

3. In the far-right corner, there is an area where you can filter the types of Entities. In the filter text box type in “business.” This will show only the entities you have entered that are classified as a business.

4. Find the business you want to add a Business Victimization TouchPoint for and click the box to the left of the name. Then click continue

5. On the next page, the first task is to enter the date of the victimization on the top of the page. You will then fill out the information in the TouchPoint

6. Any area marked with a red (*) asterisk is a required field and must be filled out in order to save the TouchPoint.

You may enter up to three (3) offenders in the TouchPoint. It is best practice to mark whether the offender is a juvenile or adult.

Once you have filled out the required fields and are satisfied with the data entered, you may click save.

Go here to see How to Record a RASA/VOJO Touchpoint:

How to complete a RASA/VOJO TouchPoint for Business Entities in ETO:

Track RASA Services TouchPoint

This TouchPoint is only to be completed by agencies who receive RASA funding from PCCD.

  1. To record this TouchPoint, from your home screen on the left navigation area, select TouchPoints. Then select Record TouchPoints.

  2. You will then be taken to the below screen. Select the drop-down arrow and scroll down and select RASA TouchPoint (DV-SA-OC).

  3. Once you have selected RASA TouchPoint (DV-SA-OC), you will be given another dropdown menu.

    1. Here you will select Entity. Once you select Entity, a list of the entities within your program will appear. Again, you may filter on the right to only show the businesses.

  4. Find the business you want to add a RASA TouchPoint (DV-SA-OC) for and click the box to the left of the name. Then click continue.

    1. This will bring you to the below screen. Sections indicated by the red asterisk are required fields to save this TouchPoint. First, select the date of service. This is the date of service and not the day you enter the TouchPoint. Next select the County of Program. Then select if the TouchPoint is for a Business.

    2. Victimization, Date, & Record Type: Make sure the response cross reference (Victimization, Date & Record Type) is for the RASA related effort.

    3. Offender: The Offender Response Cross Reference will pull over the offender information, so when you record services for the participant, you are able to select which offender the services are affiliated with.

      1. We have separated the offender information, because of cases where there is more than one offender which may lead to separate RASA services being recorded because of the different offenders.

    4. As you scroll down this page you come to the below area. Select all RASA Services Provided to the participant that apply.

RASA Correspondence

If you click on the ‘Select’ under RASA Correspondence, you are able to search through any folders on your computer and save the documents to ETO. For example, you want to save notifications sent to the Participant; you are able to do so by using this feature

6. The final section of the screen is below. This gives you the option of entering notes you feel are appropriate. When complete you have Save options at the bottom of the page.

Track VOJO Services TouchPoint

This TouchPoint is only to be completed by agencies who receive VOJO funding from PCCD.

  1. To record this TouchPoint, from your home screen on the left navigation area, select TouchPoints. Then select Record TouchPoints.

  2. You will then be taken to the below screen. Select the drop down arrow and scroll down and select VOJO TouchPoint (DV-SA-OC).

  3. Once you have selected RASA TouchPoint (DV-SA-OC), you will be given another dropdown menu. Here you will select Entity. Once you select Entity, a list of the entities within your program will appear. Again, you may filter on the right to only show the businesses.

  4. .Find the business you want to add a VOJO TouchPoint (DV-SA-OC) for and click the box to the left of the name. Then click continue. This will bring you to the below screen. Sections indicated by the red asterisk are required fields to save this TouchPoint.

    1. First, select the date of service. This is the date of service and not the day you enter the TouchPoint. Next select the County of Program. Then select if the TouchPoint is for an Individual or Business.

    2. Victimization, Date, & Record Type: Make sure the response cross reference (Victimization, Date & Record Type) is for the VOJO related effort.

    3. Offender: The Offender Response Cross Reference will pull over the offender information, so when you record services for the participant, you are able to select which offender the services are affiliated with.

      1. We have separated the offender information, because of cases where there is more than one offender which may lead to separate VOJO services being recorded because of the different offenders.

    4. As you scroll down this page you come to the below area. Select all VOJO Services Provided to the participant that apply.

    5. VOJO Correspondence: If you click on the ‘Select’ under VOJO Correspondence, you are able to search through any folders on your computer and save the documents to ETO. For example, you want to save notifications sent to the Participant; you are able to do so by using this feature.

    6. The final section of the screen is below. This gives you the option of entering notes you feel are appropriate. When complete you have Save options at the bottom of the page.

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