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PCCD - Dismissing a Participant

#PCCD #Dismiss

Updated over 3 years ago

Dismissing a Participant

What happens when you dismiss a participant?:

  • When a Participant is no longer being served by a selected program, they may be “dismissed” from that program using the Dismiss Participants feature.

  • Dismissed participant records are not deleted.

  • A dismissed Participant may be re-enrolled with the Enroll Participant feature at any time. Enrollment and dismissal details are stored on the Program History accessed via the button in the upper left of the View Edit or Find Participant pages.

One of the benefits to Dismissing a Participant is that is keeps your log of active Participants manageable instead of always having to maneuver through lists that contain both Active and Inactive Participants.

NOTE: Even though a participant is “dismissed” from a program, information collected and attached to their record is still available for reporting.

To access Dismiss Participant:

  • Select “Participants” under the right hand Navigation bar.

  • On the next screen, you are able to search for a participant record by the (single or combined) criteria that you prefer: case number, social security number, full or partial last name, full or partial first name, or family name (only applicable for participants linked in a family/household)

  • Search results are displayed with a maximum of 50 results per page.

  • Use Next 50 button if the list of available participants exceeds 50.

    • Select the Participant(s) to be dismissed by checking the box next to their name(s).

  • If you are dismissing only one participant, select the end date. You may select a dismissal reason and if the program was successfully completed.

  • When dismissing multiple participants, select multiple participants in the results field.

  • Below, select Dismiss selected participants with different program end dates if the participants exited the program on different dates.

    • If the participants exited the program on the same date you can select Dismiss selected participants with the same program end dates.

    • Select continue after making a selection

  • If you select different program end dates you will be able to select different dates for all participants selected.

  • If you select same date you will be able to enter a single date and reason for the selected participants as a group.

Once you have made your selections you will click Dismiss Participants

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