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PCCD - Running a Dismissal Report and Completing a Batch Dismissal


Updated over a year ago

In order to keep ETO running smoothly, it is best practice to regularly dismiss participants that are no longer receiving services.

PCCD has created a report to help you identify clients that meet the following criteria:

  • Participant is still enrolled as of the report run date

  • Participant has not had the following touchpoints recorded in the last 5 years, or ever:

    • Track Direct Services Touchpoint (DV/SA/OC)

    • Attorney Services Touchpoint (DV/SA/OC)

    • Track Emergency Housing Touchpoint (DV/SA/OC)

    • Track Transitional Housing Touchpoint (DV/SA/OC)

    • Track Direct Services Touchpoint (pre-2019)

Running the Report

From the VSP Program (CM) :

  1. View Reports (NEW) > PCCD > 'No Service in 5+ Years'

  2. Enter your Site Name, Program Name, and an option Program Start Date.

    1. The date prompt will limit results to clients with an enrollment on or BEFORE the date entered.

    2. If you choose not to enter a date, and the report doesn't run or gives a 'Partial Data' error, enter a date going back as far as 1/1/2000.

      1. You may need to run this report several times to get enrollment data up to the current date.

  3. After the report runs, you'll want to export it.

    1. Expand the 'Reading' panel on the top right corner of the screen.

    2. Select 'Design'.

    3. On the left-hand side of the top menu, click the elipses, and select 'Export'

    4. Make sure Excel is selected, and the 'Last Service 5+ Years Ago' tab, and click 'Export'.

    5. Save the file.

Batch Dismissing Clients

  1. From the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, expand Site Administration and select 'Batch Upload'.

  2. Expand the 'Select Template Type' drop down, and select 'Participant'

  3. Click 'Generate Template'

  4. Select the VSP Program (CM) from the Program list.

  5. The file will be downloaded as an excel file on your computer.

  6. Click 'Generate Template' again.

  7. Open the template and make sure the following columns are present. Delete all other columns.

    1. Case Number

    2. First Name

    3. Last Name

    4. DOB

    5. Is DOB real or fictitious?

    6. Primary Language

    7. Participant Race

    8. Person with Disability

    9. Military Status

    10. LGBTQ Status

    11. Gender (C)

    12. Deaf/Hard of Hearing

    13. Homeless

    14. Immigrants/Refugees/Asylum Seekers

    15. Victims with Limited English Proficiency

    16. Program Name

    17. Program Start Date

    18. Program End Date

    19. Dismissal Reason

  8. Add today's date at the Program End Date for all rows.

  9. Add the dismissal reason for all rows.

  10. Save the file as .xls or .xlsx

Importing your File

  1. From the Batch Upload page in ETO, go to 'Upload File' > 'Select Type'.

  2. Select 'Participant'

  3. Click 'Select File'

  4. Select the file and click 'Begin Upload'

  5. Ensure the File Field Names and the ETO Field Names match.

  6. Click Continue

  7. Select 'Overwrite existing ETO records'

  8. Select 'Use my file to only update ETO Software demographics where they are blank'

  9. Click Continue

  10. If needed, correct any demographic value mismatches.

  11. Click Continue.

  12. You will then see a screen saying the file has been submitted.

    Note: Once the file has been submitted, you can go back to the Batch Upload screen to check the progress.

    By clicking on the file name, you can see which participants have been updated, or participants that were not updated due to duplicate check settings.

Using Batch Upload to DELETE Participants

From the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, expand Site Administration and select 'Batch Upload'.

  1. Expand the 'Select Template Type' drop down, and select 'Participant'

  2. Click 'Generate Template'

  3. Select the VSP Program (CM) from the Program list.

  4. The file will be downloaded as an excel file on your computer.

  5. Click 'Generate Template' again.

  6. Open the template and make sure the following columns are present. Delete all other columns.

    1. Case Number

    2. First Name

    3. Last Name

    4. DOB

    5. Is DOB real or fictitious?

    6. Primary Language

    7. Participant Race

    8. Person with Disability

    9. Military Status

    10. LGBTQ Status

    11. Gender (C)

    12. Deaf/Hard of Hearing

    13. Homeless

    14. Immigrants/Refugees/Asylum Seekers

    15. Victims with Limited English Proficiency

    16. Program Name

    17. Program Start Date

  7. Change the last name of ALL clients to FAKE

Importing your File

  1. From the Batch Upload page in ETO, go to 'Upload File' > 'Select Type'.

  2. Select 'Participant'

  3. Click 'Select File'

  4. Select the file and click 'Begin Upload'

  5. Ensure the File Field Names and the ETO Field Names match.

  6. Click Continue

  7. Select 'Do not upload program enrollment information (demographic information will still be uploaded)'

  8. Select 'Use my file to update all demographics in ETO Software'

  9. Click Continue

  10. If needed, correct any demographic value mismatches.

  11. Click Continue.

  12. You will then see a screen saying the file has been submitted.

Delete Fakes

  1. From ETO, go to Site Administration > Delete Fakes

  2. Select 'Delete Fake Participants'

Sample Template:


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