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PCCD - Track Transitional Housing Touchpoint

#PCCD #Transitional Housing

Updated over 2 years ago

Track Transitional Housing

This TouchPoint is completed by agencies who receive funding to provide transitional housing to victims of domestic violence.

County of Program

Enter the county your program is providing the service.

Crime Type

Select a crime type, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault or Other Crimes. After you select a crime type the Victimization, Date & Offender input will appear

Victimization, Date, & Offender

Select the proper Victimization for this instance of needing transitional housing.

Date Entered Shelter

This is a mandatory field and is the first day the participant entered shelter.

Date Exited Shelter

This is the day the participant leaves transitional housing. You will not know the Exit Date when the Participant first arrives. You must then EDIT this touchpoint to enter the EXIT date when the Participant leaves transitional housing.

The TouchPoint auto-calculates the Total Shelter Nights for you. If a participant enters and exits shelter on the same day, the total that will be appear on this effort is β€œ0” nights. HOWEVER, the PCADV and VOCA report is written so that if a participant enters and exits shelter on the same day, it will count as 1 night.

Select Save when finished to record the touchpoint.

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