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PCCD - ESQ-LF Touchpoint


Updated over 3 years ago

Empowerment and Satisfaction Questionnaire-Long Form (ESQ-LF)

VOCA funded agencies that provide services to adult victims (ages 14 and older) are required to provide Participants with an ESQ-LF.

  • The ESQ-LF should be distributed during the Participant’s last visit (or as near to the last visit as possible) with your agency.

The Empowerment and Satisfaction Question-Long Form (ESQ-LF) is an outcome measurement tool that PCCD, PCAR, and PCADV have all agreed to use. With this alliance, we will have a reliable and consistent depiction of the effectiveness of victim services across Pennsylvania.

There are three types of services victim services programs may choose to evaluate:

· Shelter Services;

· Short-term Counseling; and

· Legal Advocacy.

If VOCA funds are used in conjunction with PCAR and/or PCADV funding to provide any of those services, you may provide the same ESQ-LF data to PCCD that your are already providing to PCAR and/or PCADV.

  • For example, if you receive PCADV funding and choose to evaluate Shelter Services, and you also use VOCA funds to provide Shelter Services, you are able to report to PCCD the same ESQ-LF data that you provide to PCADV. Please contact your funder(s) if you have questions about the ESQ-LF.

When you receive completed ESQ-LF’s from Participants, you will record those answers into ETO. From the home page, click on “Change Program” and select “Survey Program.” You will then select the link for the survey

You will now be taken to the Survey Program Home Page (Figure Below).

  • When you navigate to this page, you will be able to click on the “link” in the center of the screen and then complete the ESQ-LF.

  • Remember to enter the correct date that the ESQ-LF was completed. (It will automatically default to today’s date.)

Was the service received as the result of

Select if the service received by the agency was a result of Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, or Other Crime.

What services did you receive?

Select the type of service that is being evaluated: Short-term Counseling, Legal Advocacy or Shelter.

Primary County:

Select the county in which the participant is receiving services. This may not be the same county in which the participant resides.

Complete the remainder of the survey by selecting the appropriate selection from the drop down menu.

  • Only PCAR funded organizations need to complete questions 27 – 37.

  • VOCA, PCAR and PCADV reports include information regarding the number of ESQ-LF’s completed.

NOTE: Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select SUBMIT. Surveys cannot be edited after they have been submitted.

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