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PCCD - Appendix 10. Track Media Outreach
Updated over 2 years ago

Definitions for General Efforts listed under Track Media Outreach

The below table lists the type of events available for selection under this category as well as which funder report the selection will get mapped to

  1. Press Release: Include only the number of press releases developed. Written like a news story to communicate “who; what; where; why; and when” and offer rationale as to why your organization was included in the press coverage. (Example: If your agency developed two press releases during a month, and send it to four media outlets, record the number of press releases developed as 2.)

  2. Public Service Announcement (PSA): Include only the number of PSAs developed for use by media, with the objective of raising awareness changing public attitudes and behavior toward domestic violence/sexual violence/other victims. (Example: You develop 1 PSA and send it to 6 different radio stations. This is recorded as one PSA.)

  3. New Materials: Record if your agency participated in the development of a brochure, poster, booklet, public relations material, videotape, audiotape, or software program. Translation into alternative formats, such as Braille or Spanish, qualifies as New Materials. Record each new material developed as a separate effort. Enter the number of New Materials developed. If your agency provides services to multiple counties and the same New Material was created for use in each county, only record it under one county. This is only reported to PCAR. (No Longer Reported to PCAR)

  4. Newsletter: Record each newsletter developed by your agency. When completing this data entry in ETO, you are able to enter the total number of Newsletters Developed. (Example: You develop 1 Newsletter and send it to 500 locations. This is recorded as one Newsletter.)

  5. Presentations/Contacts to Media: Television, radio, and newspaper interviews and appearances. Record all interviews provided, regardless of whether they aired or not. You are able to enter the total number of Presentations/Contacts to Media.

  6. Existing Materials: This includes items such as brochures, posters, booklets, public relations materials, videotapes, audiotapes or software programs. These materials are tracked separately from the New Materials that may have been created and distributed.

  7. Social Media: Program generated informational postings made across a digital, content-based electronic platform, the content of which relates to a domestic violence, sexual assault, or victim services topic. Enter the number of Social Media Postings. NOTE: Interactive or relational posts between users are not considered informational postings, and therefore are not reportable. Do NOT count the number of likes, re-tweets or shares that the article receives.

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