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PCCD - Adding a Participant

#PCCD #Add Participant #Data Entry

Updated over 2 years ago


Adding a Participant Record

  • Finding a Participant record using Quick Search

  • Adding a Participant record

Finding A Participant Record: The first step to adding a Participant in ETO is searching to determine if a Participant Record already exists.

You can search for Participants from multiple locations within ETO. You can use the Quick Search bar at the top of your screen to look for active participants.

If you want to look for participants who were once active in your program, but are no longer being served, you should use the “Find Participant” link under the “Participants” header in the sidebar navigation bar.

NOTE: If you select “enter” while the Quick Search field is blank, it will generate every active client in the system. This is not recommended, as it can be very time consuming to gather all of the records for display

Adding a New Participant Record: After you have determined that a participant record does not already exist, click on “Participant” on your left-hand side navigation bar and then select “Add New Participant”

Add Participant Screen: Demographics

All of the fields found on the Add Participant Screen are what ETO refers to as Demographics.

  • Some of the Demographics fields are required, and the required data fields will appear with a red asterisk. Required fields must be completed in order for the Participant information to be saved.

  • Even though a field is not required within ETO that does not mean that it is not required by PCAR or PCADV as funders. Please refer to PCAR and/or PCADV reporting requirements in the appendix to determine which fields are necessary for the completion of their reports.

Below is a list of most Demographics found on the Add Participant Screen along with guidance on how to complete the information.

Staff Assigned: Your Site Manager can contact PCCD to personalize the drop-down options to include every staff member from your agency. This allows you to select which staff person(s) will be working with this Participant. This is an optional field and can be removed upon request.

Alert: Use this field if there is important information about a Participant that you need to be made aware of every time you access their Participant record. (Examples: Description of Abuser; Peanut Allergy; etc.) This is an optional field.

File Number: This is an alpha-numeric field that can be used if your agency would like to maintain a current filing system that you already have established. This is an optional field and can be removed upon request.

Case Number: This field is automatically generated by ETO once you add the Participant. You do not have the ability to alter the Case Number in any way.

Marital Status: This is an optional field and not utilized for any Funder reports.

First Name: This is a required field. If you are not provided with a name, simply use the process your agency currently has in place when providing services to an anonymous client.

Middle Name: This is an optional field.

Last Name: This is a required field. If you are not provided with a name, simply use the process your agency currently has in place when providing services to an anonymous client.

Gender: This is a required field.

Date of Birth (DOB): This is a required field. If the birth date is unknown, the program should enter January 1 as the date and then provide a best estimate for the year. You can then indicate in the next field if the DOB is real or fictitious.

Is DOB Real or Fictitious: Use this field to verify if DOB is real or fictitious. This is an optional field.

Primary Language: This is an optional field and can be removed upon request.

Participant Race: Only enter information if you are certain of the Race. If the Race is unknown, select Not Reported. This is a required field.

Person With Disability: Only enter information if the individual self-discloses that they have a disability. Do not assume. This is a required field. Select if the individual has disclosed a physical and/or cognitive disability.

Military Status: You will be able to track if the participant is a Veteran, Currently Enlisted in the Military or Not Applicable. This is a required field.

LGBTQ Status: Select “Self Identified AND Willing to Document” if the participant gives you explicit permission to do so. Do not assume because a participant provides distinguishing characteristics or speaks openly about their sexual orientation that they have provided permission to document in this field. If the participant is NOT a member of the LGBTQ community OR you are unsure what to document, use “No Information Available.”

Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Select “Yes” if the individual self-discloses that they have a hearing issue. Do not assume. This is a required field.

Homeless: Select “Yes” if the individual self-identifies as being homeless.

Immigrants/Refugees/Asylum Seeker: Select “Yes” if the individual self-identifies as an Immigrant; Refugee; or Asylum Seeker.

Victims with Limited English Proficiency (LEP): Select “Yes” if the individual is considered to be LEP.

Enroll in Program: The box is automatically checked to enroll the participant in the Case Management program. Every participant must be enrolled in the Case Management Program in order for the data to be recorded and mapped to the appropriate funder reports.

Program Start Date: Enter the date of first contact with the Participant.

Projected End Date: You can enter a date into this field, but it will have no impact on the time frame for providing services. A participant is enrolled into the Case Management program until you dismiss them. This is an optional field.

SPECIAL NOTE: Use the Quick Search bar at the top of your screen to look for active participants. A Participant may come back to your agency and provide you with a different last name. Search under all possible last names before you Add a New Participant to ETO.

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