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PCCD - Entities

#PCCD #Entities

Updated over 2 years ago

In ETO, an entity is defined as a 3rd party that impacts the lives of participants. The way you work with entities in ETO is very similar to how you work with participants in ETO. To add, dismiss, edit, enroll, or search for entities, you can access the necessary feature under Entities on the navigation bar.

  • Each staff/volunteer that provides a service to a Participant is entered into ETO as a separate Entity. This ensures that the staff/volunteer is able to be selected in various drop down menus to indicate that they were involved in the services provided.

  • Outside agencies can be entered into ETO as Entities. This creates “a rolodex” of service providers, etc.

How to Create Staff/Volunteer Entities in ETO:

  1. Select ENTITIES and then Add New Entity (NEW) from the left-hand side navigation bar.

  2. Enter the Entity Name into the first field.

  3. Entity Type: When adding Staff or Volunteer Entities, select ADMINISTRATIVE in the drop-down box as the Entity Type.

  4. Entity Sub-Type: Select an entity sub-type of STAFF for Staff members and VOLUNTEER for volunteers.

SPECIAL NOTE: You will need to create an entity of “None” as a Staff Entity and also as a Volunteer Entity. This will allow you to be able to select “NONE” if necessary when recording an Effort in TouchPoints.

Once you have entered the necessary information, click save. You will receive a text box saying your entity has been added successfully.

Entity Program Assignment

  • Like participants, entities can be shared between programs in your site or program specific. Generally, it is best to add entities within the program where they will typically be accessed.

  • By checking the box next to the program name, you will enroll the staff/volunteer entity in that corresponding program. Once you have selected all the necessary program, click save.

Quick-Reference Guide

  1. Navigation Bar > Entities > Add New Entity (NEW)

  2. Fill out as much information as possible. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk

  3. Click the Save button

  4. Click OK on the confirmation pop-up

  5. Go to the View/Edit Entity (NEW) page to learn more about additional settings for entities

You are also able to add other Service Providers, Educational Institutions, etc. into ETO by following the above steps to enter Entities. You will need to change the Entity Type and Entity Subtype to match the type of outside agency you are adding into the system.

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