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PCCD - Appendix 18. VOJO Report Instructions

#PCCD #VOJO #Report

Updated over 2 years ago

VOJO Report Instructions

  1. 1. In the Blue navigation bar, on the left, select Reports, and then View Reports (NEW)

    1. NOTE: It is a good habit to always click the “Refresh Report List” in the event any changes were made to reports including the addition of new reports.

  2. Click the (+) sign next to PCCD to expand the reports used for PCCD reporting.

  3. Click on the VOJO Report 19/20 v2.0. This report will pull any data entered after July 1, 2019.

    1. NOTE: If you click on the report name and a new window does not open with the report prompts, please check to make sure your popup blockers are disabled. All reports will open in a new window, and popup blockers will not allow the report to open.

  4. In the prompt box for the VOJO Report, enter in the Start Date of the time period you wish to run the report for AND the End Date. You will need to include / to separate the month/day/year in the date prompts.

  5. Enter your agency name.

    1. *If you are running a report for a quarter other than in the current fiscal year, you will need to change the Reporting Year Start Date.

  6. Click “OK,” and your report will generate

  7. To export your report, click on the export function key, check the report sections you want to export, the type of file you want exported (PDF, Excel) and click “OK.”

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