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PCCD - Track Direct Service Touchpoints


Updated over 3 years ago

Track Direct Services TouchPoints (DV, SA, OC)

These TouchPoints allow you to enter Participant Efforts that are capable of being mapped to the PCAR, PCADV, or VOCA report.

To start, select which Track Direct Service TouchPoint you would like to record: DV, SA, OC. Once you have selected the correct Track Direct Service TouchPoint, you will be prompted to select the participant the Track Direct Service TouchPoint should be associated with. You will check the box on the left side of the name of the participant and then click Continue.

You must first enter the date that the Effort(s) was provided.

Primary County

Select which county the participant will be receiving services from. This ultimately determines which county report the data will be mapped to. If your agency has a statewide initiative with PCCD, you have the option to select “Statewide” as the County Name. This is a required field.

Staff Providing Service

Staff Entities that your agencies entered into ETO will appear in this drop down. Select the appropriate staff member that provided the Participant with the Efforts. If a staff member did not provide this service, select NONE. This is a required field.

Volunteer Providing Service

Volunteer Entities that your agencies entered into ETO will appear in this drop down. Select the appropriate volunteer that provided the Participant with the Efforts. If a volunteer did not provide this service, select NONE. This is a required field.

Were any of the following discussed during service provision: If you discussed Confidentiality and/or Victim’s Rights with the Participant at this time of service, please record that information here by selecting the corresponding checkbox.

For Track Direct Service TouchPoint SA, you will be prompted to answer the following question: Was the service provided within a correctional facility?

On the second tab of the Track Direct Service TouchPoint, you will select the corresponding Victimization Assessment to connect to the Track Direct Service TouchPoint.

Victimization, Date, & Offender

This field is called a Response Cross Reference (RCR). A RCR provides you with the ability to pull information from a previously completed TouchPoint and reference it on another TouchPoint. This RCR pulls over the Victimization Assessment that includes the Victim Category, Date the VA was completed and Offender 1 name. This field allows you to directly connect the Efforts being provided to the Victimization Assessment they are a result of.

You can click on the pull down box and see all of the Victimization Assessments completed for the participant, and then select which Victimization Assessment the efforts are being recorded for. Be careful to select the correct Response Cross Reference.

Services Provided

Select all efforts you provided to the participant during the time of service. As you select the efforts, time fields will appear below allowing you to enter time for each individual effort you selected. The list of efforts is filtered based on the Victim Category selected. Enter the time in minutes, it will auto-calculate all time at the bottom of the TouchPoint and convert the minutes into hours.

Examples for recording Effort Time when working with a Participant who has multiple Victimization Assessments and who is receiving services for more than one during the same visit:

You are working with a Participant who is experiencing both domestic violence and sexual assault and you provide individual counseling for 60 minutes. 30 minutes were discussing the cycle of abuse and the other 30 minutes were discussing the aftermath of sexual assault. You would select both DV and SA options under the Victimization Category, and record 30 minutes for Individual Counseling on both the DV and SA tabs.

You would not record 60 minutes for both SA and DV. You would also not record 60 minutes just under DV or just under SA.

ESQ-LF Distributed

When you select ESQ-LF Distributed you then select which service the ESQ-LF was being provided for – Shelter, Short Term Counseling or Legal Advocacy.

Unmet Request for Shelter

Select this effort if you are a PCADV funded agency and receive a request for Emergency Shelter from a DV Participant, but your agency cannot accommodate the request because the shelter is full. No time is connected to this effort.

Information and Referral (In-person or Telephone)

When either of these efforts is selected, an additional section will appear. Select all referrals made and/or type of information that was provided to the participant during the time of service. [NOTE: This will map to the new VOCA report and some of the Referral Information will map to the PCAR report for SA Participants.]

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