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Manage TouchPoints | Create and Edit TouchPoint Forms
Manage TouchPoints | Create and Edit TouchPoint Forms

Step by step instructions for creating or building a TouchPoint form or editing TouchPoint settings like form security.

Updated over a year ago
  1. Through the Site Navigation, under Site Administration, find Manage Touchpoints

  2. Select New Touchpoint

  1. Give your Touchpoint a name. This can be edited later on.

    Edit Touchpoint Settings

  2. Tags - These and all other settings can also be added and edited later on.

    1. For example, all TouchPoints that track outcomes can be tagged “outcome.”

    2. If a tag is more than one word or a phrase, it should be placed between double quotes.

    3. Tags should be separated from one another with a space.

    4. Tags can be used by administrators on the Manage TouchPoints page to search for TouchPoints that are commonly related.

    5. Tags are necessary for reporting.

    6. If multiple TouchPoints should be reported on together, they should be tagged with the same tag. Remember: tags must be identical for this to work as expected. This includes spacing and punctuation.

  3. Identifier.

    1. Your options include: More about Identifiers here.

      1. Using the current Program’s name

      2. Auto-generating the identifier: You can check the box under this option to use the same identifier when pre-populating with previously recorded data

      3. Allowing the User to define the identifier

      4. No identifier

    2. The identifier will display on the Record TouchPoint page to separate instances of the same form that have been completed multiple times.

  4. Section Quick Links.

    Section Quick Links creates links on each page of the TouchPoint so Users can more easily navigate to sections in the form. This is especially useful for long forms that are completed during multiple sessions with a Participant or Entity.

  5. Question Numbering.
    Forms have the option to have the Elements to be numbered or not. The numbering format includes disabled questions, meaning the numbering will not be consecutive if there are disabled questions. This function applies to Referral Forms, TouchPoints and Collection Types. More about question numbering here.

  6. Completion Restrictions. These can also be added and edited later on, but will take overnight to turn on or off.

    1. The number of time for each subject per site

    2. The number of time for each subject per Program

    3. No restrictions, can be completed unlimited number of times

    4. For example, if a TouchPoint should be taken once at intake and once at dismissal, it should be set to allow completion only two times. If Participants can be enrolled in a Program more than one time and the above condition is also true, the TouchPoint should be set to allow completion only two times in each enrollment.

  7. Update Period. These can also be added and edited later on, but will take overnight to turn on or off. More about update periods here.
    You can limit it by either the User-specified date taken field (the field at the top of the Record TouchPoint screen that indicates the day the TouchPoint is being taken) or a number of days after a date recorded for a TouchPoint date element.

    1. Note that all but the first option will not be available until a date element question has been added to the TouchPoint.

    2. For example, if a TouchPoint used at intake must be completed within thirty days and the first portion is filled out on the first day of enrollment, the User has 30 days to complete/edit the TouchPoint.

    3. Administrators will also get to set the lowest role allowed to override the update period restrictions and set the text that is displayed when the response is locked for editing.

    4. Locked TouchPoint responses are reportable and will be marked as “Locked” or the customized text entered on the TouchPoint settings.

    5. The lock may take as long as 24 hours to sync properly. During that time, the TouchPoint may appear unlocked in the software.

  8. Advanced Date Formatting. More about Advanced Date Formatting here.

    1. If left unchecked, Users will be able to enter any date when recording a TouchPoint.

    2. If either of the two options to restrict the date take to x number of days in the future/past of the audit date are checked, only a date within the selected time frame can be entered.

    3. If "don't allow the date to be outside of a Program enrollment when recording" is checked, the User must enter a date that falls within the Program enrollment dates for the Program where the response is being recorded.

  9. Date Taken blank by default.

    • If left unchecked, the date will default to the date that the TouchPoint is first recorded

    • If checked, the User must enter a date when recording the TouchPoint

  10. Record Touchpoint for/as Another Staff Account

    1. For example, some case managers work as a team and both case managers are working on completing a form together. As only one User account can be used at a time to record the TouchPoint, it would be possible for the User to select to record it under the other User’s name. This would provide “credit” for the work to both Users.

    2. This is especially helpful if the TouchPoint is used to track attendance and the staff facilitating the class work as a pair.

  11. Save as Draft

    1. This is useful for TouchPoints that are completed over a long period of time. Selecting 'Save As Draft' will save and close the TouchPoint form to be edited later.

  12. Save Progress

    1. This is useful for TouchPoints that are completed over a long period of time. Selecting 'Save Progress" allows users to keep their ETO session active while continuing to work on a touchpoint. This is highly recommended for all Touchpoints, especially long ones.

  13. Save and Record Similar

    1. For example, some case managers work as a team and both case managers are working on completing a form together. As only one User account can be used at a time to record the TouchPoint, it would be possible for the User to select to record it under the other User’s name. This would provide “credit” for the work to both Users.

    2. This is especially helpful if the TouchPoint is used to track attendance and the staff facilitating the class work as a pair.

  14. Reporting

    This setting applies to aggregation in reporting. It is, by default, disabled. Disabling aggregation dramatically increases the speed between when basic response data is entered and when it is available in unflattened data. In the majority of cases, having aggregation disabled will not have an effect on reporting. You must enable this setting in order for the following dimensions to be populated in the Standard TouchPoint Universe for reporting:

    • Amount of Change

    • Aggregated Value

    • Number of Efforts Since Change

    • Number of Days Since Enrollment in Program

    • Aggregated Amount of Change

    • Days Since First Record

    • Days Between Change

    • Most Recent

    • Sequence Order

  15. Allow Fund and Asset Disbursement (Legacy, not recommended for new touchpoint users.)

    1. This will allow a User to record a fund/asset disbursement when recording the TouchPoint.

    2. This function only works for individual Participant or individual Entity responses.

    3. You will have three options:

      • Separate "Save" and "Save and Disburse Asset" buttons - This allows the User to decide if there is an asset disbursement or not.

      • A single option to "Save and Disburse Asset" - Useful when the disbursement is a requirement.

      • No fund disbursement

  16. Primary Forms

    1. The Primary Form must be created before the sub-form can be created.

    2. If your TouchPoint is a sub-form, remember to set the TouchPoint security settings identical to the primary form. Frequently, issues with completion of subforms result because of security settings being different in the primary form.

    3. If a you select a primary form from the drop-down menu, the TouchPoint then becomes a subform and two new options will display.

      • The first will allow the TouchPoint to inherit the locking rules of the selected primary form and lock the associated subform responses accordingly.

      • The second will push the lock back up to the primary form based on the number of subform responses. This setting will allow the User to specify the number of responses required on the subform before automatically locking the associated primary form response.

      • If the number of child responses exceeds the set amount, the lock of the parent response is nearly instantaneous and the software will reflect this almost immediately.

  17. Approval Form

    • If you would like your TouchPoint to work in conjunction with approval functionality, select the approval form you would like to tie it to from the drop-down menu.

    • By selecting an approval form, the TouchPoint will gain a new "Approval Status" that may be reporting on and used to indicate whether a TouchPoint is pending, rejected, or approved by other Users.

  18. Click Save!

Questions, security, and more!

This is your main page for editing the questions, question settings, security, configuration, and more advanced settings of the Touchpoint.

  1. Edit Touchpoint Settings - A link to the top of this article

  2. Replicate - Use to make a copy of the current Touchpoint and all it's settings

  3. Disable - Use to disable the current Touchpoint. Disabled touchpoints are still reportable, but security is disabled in the user interface.

  4. Preview - See how the Touchpoint looks!

    Note that subject-based cross reference fields will not be able to carry over subject-specific information while in preview and program-based cross references will show reference information from the site and program you are currently working in.

  5. Return to Manage Touchpoints - Returns you to Manage Touchpoints main page!

  6. Show Disabled Questions - Shows any questions that are disabled on the form.

  7. Add Page - Allows you to add pages to a touchpoint for organizational purposes.

  8. Return to Manage Touchpoints Returns you to Manage Touchpoints main page!

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