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Release Notes | May 3 | ETO 20.72.0

Available 5/3/24

Updated over 9 months ago


This release includes high-priority defect fixes.


ETOC-9577 | Fix for Merge Participants Not Merging

Previously, if a user edited any existing Participant to match another existing Participant in the same Site (whether both were Enrolled or one Dismissed and the other Enrolled), a Duplicate Check warning occurred. However, upon selecting the duplicate Participant, users were redirected and no indication of a successful merge appeared. If users added a new Participant that matched an existing Participant, selecting the duplicate Participant also resulted in redirection without an indication of a successful merge.

Now, if a user edits any existing Participant to match another existing Participant in the same Site, a Duplicate Check warning occurs. Upon selecting the duplicate Participant, users are taken to the Merge Participants page. Users can then select which Participant is the primary record and merge the duplicate. When adding a new Participant that matches an existing Participant, selecting the duplicate Participant from the Duplicate Check warning takes users to the Merge Participants page. They may then select which Participant is the primary record and merge the duplicate.

ETOC-10752 | TouchPoint Elements: Fix for 500 Error on View Screen Settings Due to Max Character Limit

Previously, users experienced an error message when editing Screen Settings (within Question Settings) for any custom TouchPoint element name longer than 32 characters. Now, the fields work as expected with a much larger character limit for custom TouchPoint elements.

ETOC-10985 | Fix for Custom Demographics Not Returning Results in Confidential Quick Searches

Previously, some users experienced that when a custom demographic was added to a Participant, that Participant did not appear when performing a Quick Search in a Confidential Program. Now, Quick Search works as expected, showing all applicable Participants whether they have a custom demographic or not.

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