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Database Backups, Data Imports and Exports

This article reviews available features or services for backing up, importing and/or exporting data in ETO.

Updated over 3 months ago

Database Backups

Many organizations may need to extract most or all their data within their lifecycle at Bonterra. Some organizations require regular backups of the data for security or auditing purposes.

SQL Back-Ups

Full database back-ups come in a SQL format compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2022. Accounts looking to receive a one-time or recurring backup of their database can engage their Account Management team here.

If you are looking to learn more about how your data is secured, please visit: Security FAQ

Excel Back-Ups

Accounts looking to extract data on their own in Excel or CSV files can extract the data through ETO. The most common reports for flat file extraction include:

Our Professional Services team can be contracted to export data in CSV/Excel format. Contact the Account Management team here to learn more!

Extracting Attachments

To extract attachments and files such as PDFs, JPGs, Word, etc. attached to demographics, TouchPoints, or Assessments, Users must extract these on a one-by-one basis from the location of the file.

This process can be expedited by writing a custom report that provides links to all the associated attachments. Still, the attachments must be downloaded to local storage one-by-one by clicking each link. To delete the attachments, the user needs to enter the ETO interface and delete the attachment from the TouchPoint or Participant page.

Data Imports and Exports

In order to identify the most appropriate data integration options for your use case, it's helpful to ask the following questions regarding your organization's needs:

  • Do I need information from a third-party system to be instantly updated in ETO?

  • Do I need information going both into and out of ETO, or does a one-way transmission suffice?

Imports (Inbound Data):

SFTP for Batch Upload

SFTP utilizes two files, a configuration file and a data file, which upload in to your account's ETO Batch Upload. Read more about the feature here.


This option involves a custom integration between ETO and a third-party system via API. We only recommend this for organizations that need information from a third-party system to instantly update in ETO. The ideal use case is to allow data to flow back and forth between the third-party system and ETO. Review our FAQs for API integration here.

Exports (Outbound Data):

Automated Export from Results Reporting

This process functions similarly to scheduled reports in Results and exports existing Results reports as CSV files for collection from an SFTP server. Read more about the process here.

SQL Database Exports

This includes single or recurring backups of your SQL database exported in SQL format for collection from Workdocs or an SFTP server, respectively. Review our FAQs for SQL database exports here.

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