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Manage Feeder Tables

#Enterprise An overview of the Manage Feeder Tables functionality.

Updated over a week ago

Feeder tables in ETO can be customized to fit your organization's needs. Feeder tables are used to supply many of the drop-down or select boxes in the software. The elements that comprise these tables can be added or edited at any time. No version of ETO software utilizes all of the feeder tables, so you will only have to populate the ones that your organization will use.

Manage Feeder Tables

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Manage Feeder Tables.

Step 2 – A description of a feeder table category can be added/edited by clicking the Desc. link in the Description column next to the category.

  • This description will show when hovering over the feeder table in the different features of the software. 

Step 3 – Click the Edit link next to any feeder table category to adjust or add items to it.

Step 4 – To sequence the items in the category alphabetically, select Alphabetical Order at the top of the page.

 Step 5 – To sequence the items in the category manually, click the Set Sequence Order link.

Step 6 – Highlight the item you would like to move, then click the Move Up or Move Down button. When you are done arranging your order, click the Submit New Order button.

Step 7 – You can now select Sequence Order at the top of the feed table category page.

Step 8 – Click the Edit link next to any individual item in the list to edit it at the bottom of the screen. Click the Edit Item button to submit changes.

  • Note: Do not to write over an existing item if data is attached to that item. For example, if a Contact Location Method used to be Telephone and was changed to Home Visit, all efforts recorded with Telephone will now be Home Visit instead. Editing items should only be considered if no data was attached to the original option. It is best practice to instead disable the old option and add the new one. 

Step 9 – Items in feeder table categories can also be disabled when they are no longer needed (as mentioned above). The current status of the item is shown next to it: "Enabled" if it is currently in use, "Disabled" if it is currently turned off. Click the current status to change this.

Step 10 – Add new items to the category by typing text in the open box at the bottom of the list and clicking the Add New Item button to submit.

Step 11 – Several feeder tables allow individual items to be scoped by program so they will only be available in applicable programs within your site. Click Scope next to each item to adjust this. This is not available for all feeder tables.

Step 12 – Check the box next to the program(s) you want the item to appear in. Then click the Submit button at the bottom of the list.

If no programs are selected, the item is assigned to all programs by default.

Step 13 – Several feeder tables allow individual items to be scoped by feature so they will only be available in specific features within your site. Check the boxes under the type(s) of feature(s) that you want that item to be available in. This is not available for all feeder tables.

  • In the example below, the item Active Drug/Alcohol Use is the only item available as a reason for not accepting a referral in the referral functionality. All three items are available as items available in education functionality. 

Step 14 – If you are an Enterprise Manager, you will have two additional options when viewing feeder tables:

  • Check the box in the Required column if you want users to make a selection in the associated feature before being able to save any information.
    For example, if Dismissal Reason is NOT checked as required, then dismissal reason will not be a required field on any site.

  • Check the box in the Disabled column to disable that feeder table for either all programs in the site or all sites in the enterprise. 

  • Keep in mind that, though Feeder Tables are Site specific by nature, changes to Required/Disabled status in Manage Feeder Tables will affect the entire Enterprise as opposed to the specific Site in which the change is made.
    The options for Required and Disabled are only visible to Enterprise Managers in Manage Feeder Tables. Due to the nature of the visibility, the impact of these settings are equivalent, affecting the entire Enterprise by design.

Feeder Table Reference Guide

Please note, many of our feeder table options were created for Legacy features. In green are the most commonly used feeder table rows. Please report any inconsistencies in this reference guide to our Support team.

Feeder Table

Parent Part

Asset Statuses

Legacy Manage Funds

Asset Types

Legacy Manage Funds

Asset Vendors

Legacy Manage Funds

Benefit Types

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Caseload Statuses

Caseworker Relationships

Contact Functionalities

Depreciated Legacy

Contact Relationship Types

Criminal Events

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Criminal Results

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Drug Test Result

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Drug Types

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Education Levels

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Employment Details Type

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Employment Placement Types

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Employment Type

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Enterprise Reporting Groups

Depreciated Legacy

Enterprise Reporting Sub Groups

Depreciated Legacy

Entity Contact Locations/Methods

Legacy Entity/Attribute/Contact

Entity Contact Relationship Types

Legacy Entity/Attribute/Contact

Entity Meta Data

Legacy Entity/Attribute/Contact

Entity Services

Legacy Entity/Attribute/Contact

Family Relationships

Favorites Categories

Depreciated Legacy. Use View Reports NEW.

Fund Priorities

Legacy Manage Funds

Fund Spend Categories

Legacy Manage Funds

General Contact Locations/Methods

Legacy Survey/Assessment/Point of Service/ Efforts

Legal Benefits

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Legal Contact Methods

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Legal Contact Types

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Legal Dispositions

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Legal Funding

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Legal Services

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Legal Unit /Office

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

Outcome Categories

Legacy Survey/Assessment/Point of Service/ Efforts

Participant Contact Locations/Methods

Legacy Survey/Assessment/Point of Service/ Efforts

Program Group Types

Program Groups

Program Types


Reasons for Dismissal

Caseload / Program Dismissal

Reasons for Referrals (Legacy)

Legacy Referrals

Reasons for Retraction

Internals Referrals

Reasons for Workflow Dismissal


Referral (Legacy) Statuses

Legacy Referrals

Related Services Recommended

Legacy Survey/Assessment/Point of Service/ Efforts

Reliable Contact Attributes

Legacy Reliable Contact

Reliable Contact Relationships

Legacy Reliable Contact

Room Attributes

HMIS Feature - Manage Rooms

Scheduling Categories

ETO Schedule

Scheduling Statuses

ETO Schedule

Services Provided

Referrals / Manage Programs

Treatment Types

Legacy Employment/Education/Drug/Criminal Records

User Types



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