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Manage Programs

#Enterprise An in-depth overview of the Manage Programs feature

Updated over a week ago

This feature allows organizations to add and manage Programs from across the entire Enterprise while logged into a single Site.

If you are a Site manager (or above), have access to other Sites, and have access to "Manage Programs" on the Navigation Bar, you will be able to see and manage all Programs in those Sites.

If you are below a Site manager, have access to other Sites, and have access to "Manage Programs" on the Navigation Bar, you will only be able to see and manage Programs where you are listed as the Program manager in the drop-down. 

In-Depth Instructions

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click "Site Administration". Then select "Manage Programs".

You will have a few options on the "Manage Programs" page:

1) Add New Program - Takes you to the Add Program page to create a new program.

2) Show Disabled - Check this box to show disabled Programs in the list.

3) Filter/Sort - You can sort through the Programs by Program name, description, program type, program manager, program group, Site, and date last updated.

4) Edit - Takes you to the Add/Edit Program page to edit an existing Program.

5) Enable - If a Program is disabled and you have checked Show Disabled, you have the option tore-enable the Program.

6) Disable - If a Program is enabled, you can disable it by clicking the link.  

  • When disabling a Program, Participants currently enrolled remained enrolled. Their dashboard will show the enrollment as "[Program Name] (disabled)"

  • A disabled Program will no longer show in the Site/Program menu at the top of ETO. 

  • Disabling a Program does NOT delete Program data. Data is still accessible via Reporting. 

  • If you disable a Program and then in the future want to re-enabled it, staff that had access to the Program prior to disabling it will still have access after it is re-enabled. 

  • NOTE: You cannot disable the Program you are currently logged into. 

7) Navigation - Move through the list of the various Programs you have access to edit. 

Adding a new Program and editing an existing Program take you to the same page. Editing a Program gives you a few options that are only available after the Program has been created in the system. Therefore, we will explore this feature by editing a program but be aware that the steps for adding a new Program are identical except for the noted features.

Step 2 – Add/Edit the name of the Program.

The following characters are considered "illegal" characters and will not be added to a Program's name: /  |  > <

  • If these characters are added to a Program's name, they will be automatically removed upon save.

Step 3 – Add/Edit the description of the Program.

Step 4 – On the Information and Settings tab, select the Program Manager from the drop-down.

  • This list is generated from all Users on the Site that are staff level and above. 

Step 5 – Select the Program type from the drop-down.

Step 6 – Add/Edit the address for the Program.

Step 7 – Select the services that are provided by this Program. These settings will be used for referrals.

Step 8 – There will be a series of check boxes that you can select for the Program.

  • Administrative will automatically enroll entities into administrative Programs. This feature will only work when used in conjunction with the administrative entities function.

  • Confidential will remove all references to the Program when running Site-level reports and limit the ability for Users from other Programs to see data about Participants that are receiving services that have been deemed confidential. By default, no Programs are confidential.

  • Auto-Dismiss Participants will automatically remove all Participants from the Program after the defined number of days and use the selected Reason for Dismissal (from the feeder table by the same name). You can define the number of days and the exact time when Participants are dismissed or use a countdown.

  • Show Disabled Assessments will show assessments that have been disabled in the results in Participant assessments.

  • Review Staff To Do will allow Users with Program manager access and higher to view the to do lists of Users with lower access. A box labeled Staff will appear in the upper right corner of the to do list.

  • Quick Family Links will provide family-related links on the View/Edit Participant page for any Participant in a family.

  • Housing Labels will allow you to customize the labels for unit and room when using the housing functionality. The text boxes for unit label and room label will not be available until the housing labels box is checked. 

  • Include all Participants in Housing Check-In search results will include Participants not currently enrolled in this Program into the housing check-in search results. they will be marked with an asterisk (*) and checking them into housing will automatically enroll them into the Program.

  • Administrative Entity Participant match to Caseload will automatically match Participants to the contact of the staff's administrative entity when a Participant is added to that staff's caseload. 

  • Caseload Assignment Email Notifications will notify a caseworker via email when a Participant has been assigned to their caseload.
    - Include Participant information in confirmation email can only be selected if the caseload assignment email notifications option has been checked. It will include the Participant's first name and last initial in the caseload assignment email. 

  • Caseload Removal Email Notifications will notify a caseworker via email when a Participant has been removed from their caseload.
    - Include Participant information in confirmation email can only be selected if the caseload removal email notifications option has been checked. It will include the Participant's first name and last initial in the caseload removal email. 

  • Receive Bed Registry Reservation Notification by Email will send an email to the Program manager when abed reservation is made.

  • Publish information from this Program across the Enterprise for reporting will grant all Users access to this Program in ETO Results, regardless of Program access set on the Manage User Accounts page.

  • This Program captures data that follows HMIS requirements (ETO HMIS Template Users only) will enable functionality that allows data captured in this Program to adhere to the HUD HMIS requirements (for use with ETO HMIS). 

Step 9 – You can select scheduling settings at the bottom. Check the box to allow Users to display appointments from other Sites in this Program for selected User roles or types.

Step 10 – If selected, you will need to select if the restriction is based on User types or User roles. Click the radio button next to your selection, then click the Select Types or Select Roles button to set the types or roles allowed to display these appointments. 

  • For "User Types", check the box in the "Able to View Appointments" column for the User type you would like to give access to. If the "Able to View Appointments" box is checked, you can select if they are "Able to View Details" or not. When finished, Click "Save and Close". 

  • For User Roles, select the "Lowest role able to view appointments in other Sites" and the lowest role able to view details for appointments in other Sites from the two drop-downs. Then click "Save and Close". 

Step 11 – The following three buttons will only be available at the bottom of the information and settings tab if you are editing a Program. Click on them to be taken to each associated feature.

  1. Manage Program Groups

  2. Participant Workflow Template

  3. Manage Add Participant/Family 

Step 12 – Click on the "Referral Settings" tab. There will be a series of check boxes that you can select for the Program.

  • "Accept-Referrals" will allow referrals to this Program to be accepted from different Programs in the Site.

  • "Auto-Accept Referrals" will accept ALL referrals made to this Program automatically.

  • "Confirm Referral by Email" will send an email to the Program Manager of the receiving Program that they have a pending referral. The User making the referral will receive a confirmation when the referral is accepted or rejected.

- "Include Participant information in confirmation email" can only be selected if the confirm referral by email option has been checked. It will include the Participant's first name and last initial in the referral confirmation email.

  • "Entity Sub-Type with Referrals" will display the option to select an Entity Sub-Type when making a referral.

- For example, if a Program includes 200 employers, which have been categorized by industry Entity Sub-Types. When a User makes a referral to an employer, they will have the option to pick the Sub-Type, perhaps construction. The list of options on the Add Referral page will be reduced from 200 employers, to 15 construction employers.

  • "Lowest User Role that can retract a referral" allows you to set the lowest role of User who can retract a referral sent from this Program that has not yet been accepted or rejected by a receiving service provider.

- "Include Participant information in retraction email" will include Participant information in the email sent to the User who originally made the referral and the Program manager of the target Program alerting them to the retraction. 

Step 13 – If you are using Approval Forms with the Workflow add-on, you can select how referrals that require approval are held based on the statuses listed.

  • Referrals may not be accepted on the view/edit page and notifications to allow acceptance will not be sent until the approval status is met. If approvals are not required for the referral form, then they will always be sent out. 

Step 14 – The "Manage Refer-To Type Visibility" button will only be available at the bottom of the referral settings tab if you are editing a Program. Click on it to be taken to the refer-to type visibility feature.

Step 15 – Check the box(es) associated with the type(s) you want to allow staff to create referrals to.

  • You can also click "Edit" to edit the description of each type.

  • The descriptions will be available to the User on the select type of referral screen. Question mark icons will appear with hover messages containing the description. 

Step 16 – Click "Save" to save your changes.

Step 17 – Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen to save all your changes.

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