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Manage My Site


Updated over a week ago

This feature allows Site Administrators to control site-level settings. We suggest using this page in Internet Explorer if you find you're unable to edit these settings in another browser.

Manage My Site

On the Navigation Bar, click "Site Administration". Then select "Manage My Site".

Note: Renaming a site will break any links to current demographics' attachments. You will see the error message below.

Information and Settings

Address - Address 1, address 2, zip code, and country.

Phone Number - The phone number on file for the site.

Time Zone - This drop-down sets the time zone for the site so the time/date stamp when recording efforts reflects the correct time.

Site Logo - Click the Upload Image button to add a logo which will appear next to the ETO software logo at the top left of the screen.

  • Note: Our file size recommendation for Site Logos is less than 1MB (megabyte). Site Logos over 1MB may contribute to performance issues across all features of ETO.

  • Click the Upload Image button

  • Select a picture from your computer

  • Crop your image.

  • Click the Crop & Save button to save the new logo

Have the Site Logo appear on the TouchPoint print view page - Check this box to have the site logo you just uploaded show on printed TouchPoints.

Make 'My Dashboard' the landing page - Check this box to make My dashboard the landing page for users when they log into ETO software.

Display this text instead of 'Participant' when adding/editing/searching for a participant/client - Enter a term in this text box to replace the word 'participant' in ETO software in features such as Add New Participant.

Show Participant Dashboard on Quick Search - Check this box to show the participant dashboard when doing a quick search. You must first log out and then back in to see this change take effect.

Show Family Name and Family Relationship on the Caseload Assignments screen - Check this box to show family information on the caseload assignment page.

Have filter settings on the Caseload Assignments screen persist on a per user basis - Check this box for filters to save on My Caseload or Staff Caseload pages after clicking the save button and filtering the grid.

Security Settings

SSN visibility in other sites? - Choose the level of social security number visibility from this drop-down when attempting to Enterprise Enroll and during Enterprise Duplicate Check. The transferring of SSNs to other sites can be disabled in Manage Demographics. Your options will be:

  • Show full number

  • Mask all buy the last four digits

  • Do not show until enrolled

  • Mask all but the last 4 digits of SSN numbers for this site - Check this box to hide the first five digits of a social security number. SSNs will display as xxx-xx-1234. Even if this box is checked, full SSNs will still display in Crystal Reports.

  • Validate SSN input? - Check this box to have the software check to make sure that the number entered could be a valid SSN. For example, it has seven digits, not all digits are the same number, etc.

  • Accept 'X' character in SSN input? - Check this box to allow the user to input the letter x in cases where they may not have the full SSN.

Minimum Password Length - Set the minimum password length by inputting a number in this box.

Maximum Password Length - Set the maximum password length by inputting a number in this box.

Number of Numeric Character Required - Set the number of characters that are required to be a number in the password.

Number of Non-Alphanumeric Characters Required - Set the number of characters that are required to be a character other than a number or a letter in the password.

Enforce Password Expiration - Check this box to force users to change their passwords after a certain number of days. A drop-down will appear to set the "maximum password age in days", the minimum age being 15 days.

Idle Timeout Interval in Minutes - This feature allows you to increase or decrease the time a user account may remain inactive in the software without being automatically logged out. “Inactive” means that the user has not clicked on any feature or submitted any data for a period of time. It is not recommended that the timeout limit be increased too much as this could present a security hole. The timeout limit is intended to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the software when an authorized user has not properly logged out of the software.  Unsaved work is lost if a user times out.

Security Token Recycle Interval in Minutes - Security tokens are the unique ID for each session you have when you log into ETO. The token is only valid for the amount of time that is set here. Every time you move between pages the interval in minutes recycles and you get the set amount of time again.

Previous Security Token Expiration in Minutes - Set the amount of time (in minutes) that it takes for the previous security token to expire.

Enterprise Access:

  • Enterprise Manager User - Check this box to give enterprise manager-level users access to this site via the site link at the top of the page.

  • Program Group Members - Check this box to give user accounts that have access to a program which is a member of a program group whose members include one or more programs in this site assess to this site via the site link at the top of the page.

  • Site Relationship - Check this box to give user accounts from sites that are above me in set sit relationships assess to this site via the site link at the top of the page regardless of the level of access.

Lowest Role Allowed to Edit and Delete Participant Program History - Select the lowest role that can edit and delete participant program history from the drop-down.

Lowest Role Allowed to View HMIS CSV Files - Select the lowest role that can view HMIS CSV files from the drop-down.

Lowest Role Allowed to View HMIS Validation Reports - Select the lowest role that can view HMIS validation reports from the drop-down.

Entity Settings

Allow 'Add New Entity' option on Add Referral page - Check this box to allow users to add a new entity from the Add Referral page. The option to add a new entity from this page can be disabled by unchecking the box. If unchecked, users will not be able to add new entities from this page and will only be able to select an entity that already exists in the system.

Allow 'Add New Employment Entity' option on Add/Update Employment Record page - Check this box to allow users to add a new employment entity from the Add/Update Employment Record page. The option to add a new employment entity from this page can be disabled by unchecking the box. If unchecked, users will not be able to add new employment entities from this page and will only be able to select an employment entity that already exists in the system.

Allow 'Add New Education Entity' option on Add/Update Education Record page - Check this box to allow users to add a new education entity from the Add/Update Education Record page. The option to add a new education entity from this page can be disabled by unchecking the box. If unchecked, users will not be able to add new education entities from this page and will only be able to select an education entity that already exists in the system.

Enterprise Entity Search Options - Choose how enterprise entities will return in entity searches for programs in the site. This option is available to enterprise manager and developer users only. You will have a few choices:

  • Show all enterprise entities - All entities will display.

  • Show only enterprise entities enrolled in the program - Only active entities that are currently enrolled will display.

  • Show only enterprise entities of siblings in my site hierarchy - Entity siblings will display.

  • Show only enterprise entities in common program groups - Entities in common program groups will display.

  • Do not show enterprise entities - No entities will display.

Lowest Role Allowed to Edit Entities - Select the lowest role that is allowed to edit entities from the drop-down.

  • If the role selected is a equal to or lower than your role, then you will be able to change the setting. If the selected value is a higher access level than yours, it will be grayed out.

Lowest Role Allowed to Establish an Enterprise Entity - Select the lowest role that is allowed to create enterprise entities from the drop-down.

  • This option is available to enterprise manager and developer users only.

SFTP Settings

Please review our help article on setting up an SFTP client to learn more about the information available on the SFTP Settings tab.

Miscellaneous Settings

Employment Type Label - This field is used on the Add/Update Employment Record feature (a legacy feature) and is a fixed attribute of the employment (location, job counselor, etc.; things that are not expected to change as a result of service). A historical record is not captured, even if they do change. Items can be added to this list through Manage Feeder Tables. If there is nothing in this box, it will show as a blank space on the Add/Update Employment screens.

Employment Detail Type Label - This field is used on the Add/Update Employment Record feature (a legacy feature) and is used to track a change in employment status (from temporary to permanent for example). When this field is changed in a participant’s employment record, it will be counted as an Employment Advancement, and a historical record of the previous value will be kept. Items can be added to this list through Manage Feeder Tables. If there is nothing in this box, it will show as a blank space on the Add/Update Employment screens.

Participant Enrollment Options - This populates a button on the View/Edit Participant page that allows users to enroll or refer the participant to other programs in the site. When using the feature, if the user does not have access to programs in the site that they select for the participant, the software will generate a referral instead of automatically enrolling them. You will have three options:

  • If “Do not show at all” is selected, this option will not be available.

  • If your site does not use referrals, it is recommended that you choose “Do not show referrals” so that programs do not show if the user does not have access to them (alternatively you could turn on the “auto-accept referrals” feature for your program under Manage Programs).

  • The option of “Show” will show all available programs in your site and the user can select all necessary programs to enroll or refer the participant into.

Default Time Spent on Contact - This is the default value that gets inserted for the time spent field of an effort in minutes.

Record Hrs of Attendance like regular Attendance? - Check this box to see the same screen and process as you would see for regular attendance, even though the two features are slightly different.

Show 'Save and Create Group' button on the 'Add New Family' page - Check this box to add a button on the Add New Family page to both save and create a group for the family with the click of one button.

Show 'Save and Assign Matches' button on the 'Add Edit Group Membership' page - Check this box to add a button on the Add/Edit Group Membership page to both add someone to a group and then follow that up with assigning a participant match with the click of one button.

Manage Guest Programs - Click here to learn more about managing guest programs.

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