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User Roles in ETO

Description of ETO User Roles and their capabilities, functionalities, and information on best practices.

Updated over 8 months ago

User Roles determine which features a user will have access to. The below represents the standard ETO roles in order of highest to lowest access in the hierarchy. Higher user roles can perform all actions of the user roles below them.

Administrators may create custom navigation rules to change the standard roles' access as well as give user accounts access to additional Sites/Programs.

  • Enterprise Manager: the only user role that can access the Manage My Enterprise feature and other Enterprise features on the side navigation bar by default

  • Site Manager: manages one or more Sites, defines configuration and structure of Sites under Site Administration section of navigation bar, manages user accounts, may add/edit fields and settings

  • Department Head: may build queries with the Query Wizard

  • Program Manager: uses ETO to oversee staff’s work

  • Staff: records data with Participants and other subject types

  • Funder/Reports Only: Runs de-identified reports only, no data entry

  • Intake: Views demographics and enters Reliable Contacts only

  • Survey Taker: Can take a survey and/or self assessment

  • Entity Self Service: Entity self assessment and update own attributes

Best Practice: Site Administrators can manage user accounts from across the entire Enterprise while logged into a single Site. If an administrator has access to multiple Sites and has access to Manage User Accounts via the navigation bar, the administrator will be able to view and edit user accounts across all their Sites.

The logic that determines which accounts users can access to edit is as follows:

If User A’s lowest role across the Enterprise is greater than or equal to User B’s highest role across the Enterprise, then User A can manage User B’s account.

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