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ETO Engage Setup

Use these steps to double check that your ETO Engage configuration is set up correctly.

Updated over a week ago


ETO Engage is an add-on module that extends the functionality of ETO Impact. It requires that certain settings in ETO be set up before Engage can be used. In general, these actions should be performed by ETO developers during the configuration of Engage for your enterprise. This page is intended for users to double check that the configuration has been set up correctly in the event that they cannot get Engage to work properly.

Create and Set Up User Accounts

Any site wishing to use ETO Engage must have two user accounts: ETO Engage API account with the role of Enterprise Manager and ETO Engage SelfService with the role of Entity Self Service.

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Add New Staff.

Step 2 – Fill in the following fields with this information:

  • First Name: ETO Engage

  • Last Name: API

  • Role: Enterprise Manager

  • Email: [your enterprise name]

  • Password: Something easy you can remember until setup is complete 

Step 3 – Click the Save button.

Step 4 – On the Site/Program Access tab, select the site(s) (from the drop-down) and the program(s) (via the check boxes) where ETO Engage will be used.

  • Each site/program that intends to use ETO Engage needs to be selected. 

Step 5 – Click the Save button.

Step 6 – Click on the Linked External Accounts tab.

Step 7 – If no Engage record already exists, click the + Add New Record link at the bottom.

Step 8 – Fill out the information as follows then click the Save button:

Linked External System: ETO Engage
Username: [yourenterprise name]+API@customer.etoengage.comDefault
Site: Select one from the drop-down 

Step 9 – Click the Save and Close button to ensure all changes are saved.

Step 10 – Repeat steps 1 - 3 except fill in the following fields with this information:

  • First Name: ETO Engage

  • Last Name: SelfService

  • Role: Entity Self Service

  • Email: [yourenterprisename]

  • Password: Something easy you can remember until setup is complete 

Step 11 – Click on the Linked External Accounts tab.

Step 12 – If no Engage record already exists, click the + Add New Record link at the bottom.

Step 13 – Fill out the information as follows then click the Save button:

Step 14 – On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Manage User Accounts.

Step 15 – Log in and then out for the two accounts you just created so that you can set the setup password and other options.

  • Be sure to get the StaffID for the SelfService account as you will need it later in setup. You can obtain the StaffID by double clicking the ETO software logo at the top left corner of the screen while logged in as ETO Engage SelfService and getting the WhoAmI info.

  • In the WhoAmI look for User, then copy the StaffID (firstvalue)

Check TouchPoint Security for ETO Engage

If you are unable to see a TouchPoint in Engage, be sure to check the following settings:

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Manage TouchPoints.

Step 2 – Find the ETO Engage Effort TouchPoint and click the security link in the Take Action column.

  • If this TouchPoint does not exist, please contact customer service. 

Step 3 – Select the collection type you would like to work with (collection, participant, entity, etc.).

Step 4 – Under Add/View/Edit/Delete Own Responses and Add Responses, check the boxes corresponding to the programs that the Entity Self Service and Enterprise Manager roles should have access to.

Step 5 – Click on the Manage tab and check the Enterprise Manager box for both Manage TouchPoint and Manage TouchPoint Security.

Step 6 – Click the Save button to save any changes.

Check Demographics

If you send a participant/entity an email or phone call and you get an error, check the participant/entity demographics to ensure that they have an email or phone number on file.

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click Participants. Then select View/Edit Participant.

Step 2 – Search for the Participant that gave you the error.

Step 3 – Click on the name of the participant and then look for email and/or phone number.

If a Participant has multiple phone numbers on file, ETO Engage will go through them in the following order: 

  1. Home

  2. Cell

  3. Office 1

  4. Office 2

Problems Navigating to ETO Engage

If you are having problems navigating to ETO Engage, check the following settings.

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Manage Site Navigation.

Step 2 – In the last column, click the Manage Rules link.

Step 3 – Look for an existing ETO Engage rule in the drop-down. If none exists, click the Add New Rule button.

  • If one does exist, check the role for visibility and ensure all required user levels are set. 

Step 4 – For the New Rule Name, type ETO Engage. Then select Roles from the drop-down for Rule Type. Click the Go button.

Step 5 – Select the roles that should have access to ETO Engage by double clicking on them to move them from the left column to the right column. Then click the GO button.

  • Typically, staff level users and above should have access. 

Step 6 – For this next step, you must be logged into an account that is a Developer-level user. On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Manage Site Navigation.

Step 7 – Scroll down to the Site Administration section and check the box next to Manage Apps.

  • You can control access to Manage Apps ONLY if you have an account that is a Developer-level account. 

Step 8 – Click the second radio button in the Show using CXRules column. Then select ETO Engage from the drop-down menu in the last column.

Step 9 – Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

Step 10 – On the Navigation Bar, click Site Administration. Then select Manage Apps.

Step 11 – Click the Add New Application link.

Step 12 – Insert the following information into the appropriate boxes and then click Save:

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