Workflow Beginnings is an important part of any workflow. This setting determines how the workflow will capture qualifying participants.
Once the subject is enrolled into the workflow - If selected, the workflow would only allow for manual enrollments in to the workflow. A staff member would need to manually enroll participants in to the workflow when they qualified.
Once the first conditions/step is met/taken for a subject - If selected, the workflow would begin when the first condition or step is met/taken for the subject. This should be chosen when the first condition/step should trigger the workflow begin.
Once the subject is enrolled into the program - If selected, the workflow would begin when the participant is enrolled into the program. This is not a retroactive settings, it will only pick up newly enrolled participants.
How to Enroll Participants
Workflow Begin = Once the subject is enrolled into the workflow
Participant History
Participant Workflow History (NEW)
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Workflow Begin = Once the first conditions/step is met/taken for a subject
Determine what the conditions of the first step/condition are -
In this first condition, participants need to be newly enrolled in the Intake Program AND have a previous End Date in the Intake Program. This condition is looking for participant who are being re-enrolled in the program.
Important Note:
The Flag / Trigger is an important part of any condition! This determines what action triggers the condition to be true. We recommend always having at least one trigger on a condition for the best results.
Workflow Begin = Once the subject is enrolled into the program
Simply enroll the participant in to the program through Add Participant, Enroll Participant, Enterprise Enroll, or an Intake form in Connect.
Additional considerations:
If your Workflow is set to being "Once the subject is enrolled into the workflow " or "Once the subject is enrolled into the program" and the first part of the workflow is a condition, you may have trouble getting the workflow to move forward.
For example:
This workflow is set to begin Once the subject is enrolled into the program
But, the condition is attempting to also capture a new enrollment in the same program.
The participant would be enrolled in the workflow when they were enrolled in the program, but they would never be able to complete the first condition. Because they were already enrolled in the program to start the workflow, they would need to somehow be enrolled again without getting dismissed from the program.
In this situation either the first condition should be deleted or the workflow begin should be changed to "Once the first conditions/step is met/taken for a subject".