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Workflow | Add Conditions
Updated over a week ago

Conditions in Workflows are based on demographics, Program enrollment, TouchPoints, or workflow. Conditions make up the “if” statements of your workflow. You can set the workflow so that certain steps cannot be completed or messages displayed until the specified condition(s) are met.

Not all workflows will have a condition set because the Workflow Begins section also functions as an “if” statement. In these cases, the workflow is only made up of steps and/or messages that the User must complete when the Workflow Begins condition is met.

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click on "Site Administration". Then select Manage Workflows.

Step 2 – Either find the workflow you wish to add conditions to from the list OR if you are creating a new workflow, scroll down to the table at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3 – From the checkpoint drop-down menu, select "Add Condition".

Step 4 – The Add Condition page will show the blank start of your condition. This page will constantly update with each selection you make.

  1. Parens - The opening parenthesis for your condition to determine the correct order of operations for conditions that contain multiple lines.

  2. Area - Demographics, Program Enrollment, TouchPoints, Workflow, Release of Information, Referral Forms, or General Referral.

  3. Parens - The closing parenthesis for your condition to determine the correct order of operations for conditions that contain multiple lines.

  4. And/Or - Used in conjunction with creating additional lines where further area(s) can be defined for the conditions.

  5. And means that BOTH areas must be met for the condition to pass

  6. Or means that EITHER area can be met for the condition to pass

  7. Take Action - The first line of the condition will display only the + to add an additional line. Subsequent lines will display +/- to add or delete a line from the condition.

  8. Formula - The formula of the condition(s) you create. This will be the name given to the condition if no option name is given.

  9. Optional Name - Allows the User to name the condition to something more descriptive. If this is not filled in, the condition will be named after the formula.

  10. Restrict Validation to Programs where this Workflow is available - Only checks the condition in Programs that the workflow is available in. Selecting yes will ignore checking the condition in Programs where the workflow is not available.

  11. Restrict Validation to Current Enrollment -  Only checks the condition in Programs where the Participant is enrolled. Selecting yes will ignore checking the condition in Programs where the Participant is not currently enrolled (will ignore Programs from which they are dismissed or only referred).

  12. Allow validation across Enterprise - If set to yes, the system will evaluate the condition for the subject across the Enterprise. If no, the system will evaluate the condition only in the site where the workflow was started. This setting can only be be set by a User with the role of Enterprise Manager or higher.

  13. Allow manual override of checkpoint - Allows Users of a certain level to manually skip the step instead of completing it.

Step 5 – Select an Area from the drop-down menu. Your options will include:

  • Demographics - Checks for a value in the Participant's demographics.

  • Best Practices Tip: Program-level custom demographics are NOT supported by workflows. Site-level demographics are supported, however, the condition will not work unless a custom demographic exists in the site the workflow is used in with the same name and type (character case does not matter). Enterprise-level demographics are fully supported.

  • Program Enrollment - Check to see if the Participant is enrolled in the selected program.

  • TouchPoints - Checks for responses in the selected TouchPoint.

  • Best Practice Tip: If TouchPoints is selected, the workflow engine will look for all instances of your criteria. For example, something like “not equal to X” would mean that if ANY response for that TouchPoint is “not equal to X,” then the condition will pass.

  • Workflow - Checks to see workflow enrollment or if certain steps have been taken in a workflow.

  • Release of Information - Checks for a release of information form.

  • Referral Form - Checks for responses in the selected referral form. Available values will populated based off of the referral forms you have access to. From there, the next drop-down menu will allow you to select a form element, much the same way that the TouchPoint area works.

  • General Referral - Checks against referral conditions. There are several referral conditions that you can select as an available value

Step 6 – After selecting an area, a check box and little flag will appear. Checking this box will ensure that the condition will only be validated as true when the record that was most recently added or edited meets the criteria.

  • If this setting is checked, when you record a TouchPoint, it will only look at that specific TouchPoint recorded after the condition is added to the Workflow. When editing information, the system will check against the specifically recorded event that triggered the trigger event. If it no longer meets the condition, it will uncheck it as met in the Workflow. The following areas will use this new setting in the following ways: 

  • When demographics are saved, check the demographic condition. 

  • When a TouchPoint is saved, check the TouchPoint condition for the TouchPoint that was just saved. 

  • When a referral is saved, check the condition for the referral record that was just saved. 

  • When Program Enrollment is changed, check the condition for the Program where the history was just edited. 

  • When a Release of Information is recorded, check the condition for the most recent Release just recorded. 

  • When Workflow is completed or a checkpoint is completed, check the Workflow for the most recent Workflow changed.

Step 7 – Once an area is selected, the page will refresh and a new section will be available called Available Values. Select a value from the ones available in the drop-down menu.

  • Once an area is defined, the values drop-down menu will know the type of data that is associated with it.

  • For example, if you select Demographics for the area, the available value options will have the demographics your Program/site collects as options, such as Name, DOB, or Gender. If you select TouchPoints for the area, the available values option will have the TouchPoints your Program/site collects.

Step 8 – Once a value is selected, the page will refresh and a new section will be available called Operator. Select an operation from the drop-down menu.

  • Once the value is defined by your selection, the operator field will know the type of data associated with it. For example, text vs. numeric.

  • Operator contains the following options (based on the type of data associated with it): contains, equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, is null, and is not null.

  • For workflows, is active means actively enrolled, not dismissed for any reason. Is active with completed step implies the Participant is actively enrolled with a certain step completed. Is not active will search for all Participants who were enrolled but no longer are or those who were never enrolled. Is not active with end date is used for Participants that are no longer enrolled in the workflow.

Step 9 – If certain operations are selected (such as Contains, Equal To, or Not Equal To), you must then define the value for the demographic to check against.

  • The value field is required for any operator other than "is null" or "is not null." If you do not select a value, you will receive an error and will not be able to save the condition.

Step 10 – If necessary, click the + sign to add an additional line and select and/or from the drop-down menu under Take Action. The and/or column will auto-populate with "and" by default if no value is selected.

  • Best Practice Tip: Do not add more than five to seven condition options per condition. Not only will it begin to become confusing for anyone using the workflow, performance will be reduced the more options you add.

  • When setting up a condition with multiple options, you may only check the last triggered event for a single area. If a TouchPoint is selected as the area to check against the last triggered event, no other area can be selected as it would never satisfy the condition. However, the condition can check against the last triggered event for multiple condition options as long as the area is of the same type and has the same value selected.

Step 11 – If necessary, use the parenthesis to set the order of operations for your condition.

  • If your use or placement of parentheses is not valid, you will get an error and you will be unable to save until the error is corrected.

Step 12 – If you would like to give your condition a custom name, do so by typing in a custom name in the text box.

Step 13 – Select if you would like to restrict validation to only Programs where the workflow is available.

  • Selecting yes will ignore checking the condition in Programs where the workflow is not available.

Step 14 – Select if you would like to restrict validation to only Programs where the Participant is currently enrolled.

  • Selecting yes will ignore checking the condition in Programs where the Participant is not currently enrolled (will ignore Programs from which they are dismissed or only referred).

Step 15 – Select if you want to allow validation across the Enterprise.

  1. If yes, the system will evaluate the workflow condition for the subject across the Enterprise.

  2. If no, the system will evaluation the workflow condition only in the site where the Program exists.

Step 16 – Determine if you want Users of certain levels to be able to manually skip the condition.

  • Selecting yes will cause an additional setting to appear where you will need to select the lowest role allowed to skip the condition.

Step 17 – Click "Submit" to complete your new condition and add it to the workflow.

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