This report returns workflow enrollment and completed checkpoint details for active subjects.
Workflow Name - Select the workflow to be reported on
Site Name (optional)
Program Name (optional)
Is Disabled? (optional)
Begin Date
End Date
You can see either an overview of the number of active subjects in a workflow or a breakdown of each workflow by participant. Sectioned first by site, then program, then subject name. Each section is displayed in alphabetical order of the participant's last name.
Site Name - The site in which the workflow was recorded.
Program Name - The program in which the workflow was recorded.
Subject Name - The subject who has active workflow enrollment in the specified workflow.
Workflow Name - Name of the workflow with active subjects.
Workflow Enrollment Details Table - This table returns workflow enrollment details for the active subject, including the number of completed/total checkpoint steps. Note: The checkpoint information displayed is tied to the workflow version at time of enrollment.
Start Date - the start date of the workflow enrollment for the active participant.
End Date - The end date of the workflow enrollment for the active participant.
End Date (expected) - The expected end date of the workflow enrollment for the active participant.
Dismissal Reason - The dismissal reason upon exit of the enrollment.
Steps Complete - Number of checkpoint steps completed out of the total checkpoint steps in the workflow version associated with the subject enrollment.
Progress - The total progress of completed checkpoint step(s) in the workflow version associated with the subject enrollment.
Completed Workflow Checkpoints Table - This table returns the completed checkpoints tied to the enrollment of the active subject in the listed site and program. Note: The checkpoint information displayed is tied to the workflow version at the time of enrollment of the subject.
Sequence order of the checkpoints - In order
Type - The checkpoint type: Step, Condition, or Message
Checkpoint Name - The name of the checkpoint
Progress - The progress associated with a single step in the workflow version associated with the subject enrollment. This is over the total of 100%.
Complete? - Was the step completed. If yes, it displays a check mark. This is over the total number of checkpoints.