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ETO Alerts | Main Page

ETO Alerts is an add-on feature that allows Administrators to send automated notifications by email and within the software. #Alerts

Updated over 3 months ago

What are Alerts?

Alerts are intended to keep users up-to-date on a Participant’s progress by notifying users in real-time whenever a key action takes place.  For example, an Alert can be sent when:

  • A TouchPoint response is submitted or edited

  • A new Participant or Entity is enrolled or dismissed from a program

  • Key data is edited by another user

  • A new Participant is referred to a program

  • A Workflow begins, moves forward, or is completed (only available for customers with the Workflow add-on)

  • An intake form is completed and a Participant is enrolled in Connect (this is specific to Program Enrollment, and will not trigger on a TouchPoint attached to an Intake form)

Alert recipients can be ETO users or Entity contacts and are designated by the Administrator when the Alert is created.  

Note: Alerts can take up to 1 hour to trigger once the criteria has been met for the alert. Any delays longer than an hour should be reported to support.

For more information…

On adding Alerts to your ETO: Contact the Account Management team here.
On technical Alerts issues:
On available Alerts training labs: Contact the Training team here.

Already have ETO Alerts?

Click the links below for step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

Working with Alerts

Setting up Alerts

Reporting on Alerts

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