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HMIS: Coordinated Entry Touchpoint Instructions
HMIS: Coordinated Entry Touchpoint Instructions


Updated over a week ago

2022 HMIS Data Standards: Coordinated Entry

While Bonterra has included basic template forms for HUD’s new Coordinated Entry elements, many people have been recording this data for some time now.
You can incorporate these existing fields into your HMIS Data Pulls by updating the Touchpoint tags and element pseudonyms to match these specifications.

 In order to link your existing forms, you must add the appropriate form tag or this process will not work. A **** in the pseudonym indicates user-defined text (limited to alpha-numeric characters only, no spaces).

Customer-defined Elements:

  • Assessment Question 

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.5_AssessmentQuestion****

  • Assessment Answer

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.A_ AssessmentAnswer****

  • Assessment Result Type

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.6_AssessmentResultType****

  • Assessment Result Type

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.B_AssessmentResult****

Coordinated Entry Assessment 

Form Tag: 2022 Coordinated Entry Assessment

  • Date of assessment 

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.1_DateOfAssessment 

  • Assessment location 

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.2_AssessmentLocation

  • Assessment Type 

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.3_AssessmentType 

  • Assessment Level 

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.4_AssessmentLevel 

  • Prioritization Status 

  • Pseudonym: 4.19.7_PrioritizationStatus

Coordinated Entry Event

Form Tag: 2022 Coordinated Entry Event

The TouchPoint used must be named "Coordinated Entry Event"

  • Date of Event 

  • Pseudonym: 4.20.1_EventDate 

  • Event 

  • Pseudonym: 4.20.2_Event 

  • Problem Solving/Diversion/Rapid Resolution intervention or service result - Client housed/re-housed in a safe alternative 

  • Pseudonym: 4.20.A_ProbSolDivRRResult 

  • Referral to post-placement/follow-up case management result - Enrolled in Aftercare project 

  • Pseudonym: 4.20.B_ReferralCaseManagerAfter 

  • Location of Crisis Housing or Permanent Housing Referral [Project name/HMIS ID] 

  • Pseudonym: 4.20.C_LocationCrisisorPHHousing 

  • Referral Result

  • Pseudonym: 4.20.D_ReferralResult 

  • Date of result 

  • Pseudonym: 4.20.E_ResultDate 

Limitations and Best Practices

If the pseudonyms and tags are being added to existing TouchPoints, we highly recommend that these be kept as minimalistic as possible and normalized so that they are only collecting Coordinated Entry data. Issues may occur with data pulls and/or the TouchPoint itself if the TouchPoint is overly complicated, please refer to TouchPoint Limitations for more information.

If this data is not already being collected, we highly recommend reaching out to support to have the basic template TouchPoint enabled for you to use, and keeping the Coordinated Entry TouchPoints strictly limited to only collect Coordinated Entry data.

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