Running an HMIS Report
First, make sure you have the following URLs added to the Trusted Sites section in your Browser Settings (Internet Explorer):
Log in to ETO
Go to Reports > Manage HMIS Data Pulls
Click 'Create Data Pull' at the top left
5. Enter export parameters.
Selecting 'Include Readable CSVs' will include files showing participant names, and text field responses to HUD data elements instead of just the relevant weights.
6. Click Submit.
At this point, the Data Pull will be placed in the queue to process. You are free to navigate away from this page while it is processing. A check mark will be visible in the Data Pull description when complete.
7. Once complete, take note of the Export ID, and click 'Go to Reporting Site'. This will open the ETO HMIS Reporting Platform in a new window.
If the new window does not open, go back and make sure you have the trusted sites added to your browser settings.
8. Click on the type of report you would like to run.
9. Click Run Report.
10. From the 'Select Data Pull' drop-down, select the Data Pull you created.
You can only run a report from a Data Pull created under your user account
If using Internet Explorer, the date parameters must be entered in YYYY-MM-DD format. Otherwise, the report will not process and result in an error.
11. Click Run Report.
Report processing status will show as follows: queued > processing > complete.
The volume of data will determine how long it takes for the report to run.
You are free to navigate away from this window while the report is processing.
12. Once the report processing status shows as 'Complete', click on the Report Name link to open.
Viewing The Data
Once your report run has completed, you can now view the data.
To see the breakdowns in each section, click the + icon next to the section header.
2. Each section will display a breakdown of the data by demographic and/or HUD data element.
To view the participant details in each row/column, click on the number.
Any number in a SUB-TOTAL or TOTAL column/row will not display participant details.
Saving Report as PDF
To save your report in PDF format, click Expand All in the top right.
2. Click Print and select Microsoft Print to PDF.
This will open your File Explorer, where you can then name and save the report onto your computer.
Exporting CSV Files
To Export the Report, click on Export.
Click "Open" or "Save"
βNote: The look of this part can vary depending on your web browser
3. The files will now be visible in File Explorer (in your Downloads folder or other specific folder) to save to your computer and upload elsewhere.