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Who Is On

WhoIsOn or Who Is On #Enterprise

Updated over a year ago

Note: Who is On is one of the few pages in ETO that is hard-coded to only be viewable by Site and Enterprise Managers for security reasons.

On the Navigation Bar, go to "Site Administration" > "Who Is On"

This feature generates a list of current User accounts that are logged into your Site. You can see the time they logged into the Site and the time that their session will time out if they are idle.

Other information includes the User’s IP Address and the page in the software they are currently accessing . This may not always be accurate as not all pages in the software have been updated to allow this tracking.

Organizations who are HMIS/HUD-compliant restrict User accounts to only log into the software with one session at a time. This means that if a User closes their browser without properly logging out or their session expires, they will be unable to log back in until their first session expires.

Next to each current User account, administrators have the ability to “Terminate Session”. Clicking this link will automatically end the User’s session and enable the User to log back into the software. If the User is still logged into the software and this link is clicked, the User will be kicked out of the software the next time an action (such as submitting a page or accessing a different feature) is taken.

For non-HMIS organizations, Administrators may notice some Users with multiple sessions. This would occur if the User did not log out properly and then logged back into the software before the first session expired, or if the same User account was being used from different computers.

Important: It is best practice for all users to log out of ETO before closing their browser window or anytime they intend to be away from their computer for extended periods of time. Users should also only ever work in ETO in one tab or window and avoid concurrent sessions, as it often results in bad data across the Enterprise.

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