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Manage Sites


Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to add and manage all your Sites in the Enterprise.

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click Enterprise. Then select Manage Sites.

  • The Manage Guest Program feature allows Entities to log in and maintain their View/Edit Entity page and complete Entity Assessments 

Step 4 – Set a "Site Navigation Type" (Administrative, Regional, Service Provider, Level 4, Level 5) for each Site individually by selecting a type from the drop-down menu in the "Site Navigation Type" column.

  • These types are used in conjunction with the Set Site Navigation template feature (also includes Enterprise Entity Search settings by navigation type) 

  • This feature allows the Enterprise Administrator to manage each Site's Navigation Bar from one central page 

  • The types allow Enterprise Managers to categorize Site based on the features needed on the Navigation Bar 

Step 5 – You can also apply a navigation type template to multiple Sites at once:

  • Select the Site Navigation Type from the drop-down menu at the top 

  • Check the boxes for any Sites where you want to apply the template (Site navigation/Enterprise Entity search) 

  • Click the Apply Template button for one or both templates 

There are two features found on the Manage My Site page for Enterprise Managers: Enterprise Access: determines which users can change Sites User role allowed to establish an Enterprise Entity 

  • Enterprise Access, which determines which users can change Sites.

  • User role allowed to establish an Enterprise Entity.

  • Status: The current status of a Site 

  • Listen for Enterprise Duplicates: Determines if that Site will "listen" for duplicates in others Sites based on duplicate check settings via Manage Demographics 

  • Advertise Enterprise Duplicates: Determines if that Site will share its Participants to appear as possible duplicates. Only advised to be used when there are no confidentiality concerns Must be on in order to Enterprise Enroll Participants coming from the Site.

  • Allow Referrals From This Site: Allows for Sites in the Enterprise to send Participant referrals to other Sites 

  • Enterprise Review Efforts: Any user can select "Enterprise" as a scope on Review Participant Efforts and if the Participant Program history for Programs on multiples Sites, and the POS elements and assessments are shared, the report will contain data recorded across the Enterprise. 

Step 7 – The following settings are custom feeder table labeled managed under Manage My Site. The label appears on the Add Employment Record screen. Feeder table options are populated on the Manage Feeder Tables page.

  • Employment Type

  • Employment Detail 

Note: If the number of Sites on your Enterprise exceeds 200, you will need to search for the Site for which you want to modify settings.

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