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View Collections TouchPoints


Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to see TouchPoints recorded for Collections in your system.


Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click TouchPoints. Then select "View Collections TouchPoints".

Step 2 – Select a Collection Type from the drop-down menu.

Step 3 – Click on the name of the Collection to see all TouchPoints recorded for them.

  1. Check the box to "Include Disabled Collections" in the results if desired.

  2. You can sort and filter by "Collection Name".

  3. You can sort and filter by "Subject Type".

  4. You can sort and filter by "Active Member Count".

Step 4 – Click on the name of the Collection to see all TouchPoint responses recorded for them.

  1. Click on the name of the collection on the next page to be redirected to the Collection Dashboard.

  2. You can search and filter for TouchPoint name.

  3. Click the toggle (+/-) to expand the TouchPoint heading in order to see additional details about the record.

  4. Click the "Take New" link to take that TouchPoint again.

  5. You can sort, filter, and search by each heading: Date Completed, Last Updated, Identifier, Program, Staff, Status, Approval Status, and Take Action.

  6. Click the eye icon to view a non-editable version of the TouchPoint responses.

  7. Click the pencil icon to edit the TouchPoint response.

  8. Click the trash can icon to delete the TouchPoint response.

  9. Click the "Take New" TouchPoint button to take a new TouchPoint. You will be asked to select what TouchPoint you would like to take for the Collection.

Step 5 – If you see an Approval Status at the top of the page, this means the TouchPoint you are viewing is using approval functionality.

This “Approval Status” can be reported on and used to indicate whether the TouchPoint is pending, rejected, or approved by the required User(s).

Note: If you have added additional members to a collection TouchPoint using the +New button, those responses will not appear on the Participant Dashboard or View/Edit page unless you have View Multiple Participant TouchPoint Security enabled.

They will appear wherever Collection TouchPoints are accessed (Collection Dashboards or Participant Dashboards of Collection Members), but to see them on non-Collection members' Participant Dashboards, the View Own/View Others Multiple Participant TouchPoint Security must be enabled.

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