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Editing Home Pages


Updated over a week ago

In ETO, Home Pages are completely customizable, allowing your organization to create a unique starting point for your Users that is both attractive and efficient. Authorized Users can insert images, text, and links on a Home Page, making it an ideal place to list instructions, frequently used links, and/or customer support contacts for increased User convenience.

You can create a unique Home Page for every Program on your Site, though this is not required. Any Program without a custom Home Page will display the Site Home Page.

Note: Customized Home Pages can be copied and pasted, including HTML source code. This is a good time-saving method if you have created a template that you want to use in multiple Programs.

The editor used for customizing Home Pages in ETO is called the FCK Editor. This editor is common for many websites and was not developed by Bonterra. We will not cover every tool/button in the editor. For more information on the FCK Editor, please refer to this guide:

Create a Site-wide Home Page:

Step 1 – On the Quick Tabs at the top of the Navigation Bar, click "Home".

Step 2 – Click the "Site Home" button.

Step 3 – Click the "Edit Page" link on the right.

Any changes that you make here will appear on all of your Program Home Pages. Only Site Administrators have access to edit Site-wide Home Pages.

Create a Program-specific Home Page

Step 1 – Select the Program you wish to edit the Home Page for by clicking on the name of the Program at the top of the page and selecting the Program you wish to work with.

Step 2 – Make sure you are on the Program Home Page by clicking the tab at the top.

Step 3 – Click the Edit Page link on the right

Any changes you make here will only appear on the Home Page for the Program that you are currently in.

Add Navigation Bar Links to Program Home Pages:

Step 1 – Click here to find the link for the feature you wish to use.

Step 2 – Copy everything in the “Link” column.

  • If a link you need is not in the tables, please contact Support and we will be happy to provide it to you.

  • To get a link to a crystal report, right-click the link to the report and click on properties. Copy the address/URL.

  • To get a link to a Navigation Menu item, go to that page, right-click, go to Properties, and copy the URL.

  • Links to Custom Reports added to My Favorites can also be copied and pasted.

Step 3 – Go to the Home Page and click Edit Page (Program or Site, see above).

Step 4 – Type the text you are attaching the link to. For example, "Click here to add a student."

You can also add links to buttons, which we recommend to avoid problems with font irregularities related to adding links. To use a button, right-click a button in ETO. Copy the selected button and paste the button into the Home Page editor. Then, type ‘Click here to add a student" next to the button.

Step 5 – Highlight the text.

If using a button, click to highlight the button.

Step 6 – Click on the Hyperlink Manager icon in the tools menu. This is the icon that looks like the Earth with a chain link.

Step 7 – Insert the following information into the pop-up window:

  • URL: The link provided on the Link List

  • Target: Same Window

    • This opens links in the same window to avoid caching issues with ETO. Therefore, it is recommended as the best target choice.

  • Tooltip: Whatever you would like to see when you hold the mouse cursor over the link/image

  • Click OK

Step 8 – Click the Save button and then test your new link/button.

Add Secure Images to Home Pages (TouchPoints)

Step 1 – Find the image you want to use and save it on your computer.

Step 2 – Create a general TouchPoint to hold the image or .pdf file.

  • Navigation Bar > Site Administration > Manage TouchPoints

  • Click the New TouchPoint button at the top of the page

  • Title the TouchPoint appropriately (ex: "Logo" or "Instruction Manual""

  • Save

  • Click the Add Question button

  • Add a File Attachment element

  • If the file is going to be an image, check the box next to "This is an image attachment"

  • Save

  • Manage security settings in the TouchPoint

  • Subject - General

  • Set Add/View/Edit/Delete Own and Others' Responses for Enterprise and/or Site Administrators only, across all Programs and Sites in the Enterprise

  • Save

Step 3 – Upload the image/file:

  • Navigation Bar > TouchPoints > View General TouchPoints

  • Click the Take New TouchPoint button

  • Select the TouchPoint you just created

  • Click Select and then find the file you saved to your computer

  • Save

Step 4 – Get the image/file link:

  • Navigation Bar > TouchPoints > View General TouchPoints

  • Click the toggle (+/-) on your TouchPoint to see the response you just created in step 3

  • Click View

    • Internet Explorer: Right-click the file/image and select "Properties" > Copy the link displayed on this page

    • Chrome: Right-click the file/image and select "Copy Image Address"

  • Paste the link into Notepad until you are ready to insert it

Step 5 – Go to the Home Page by clicking the Home tab across the top.

Step 6 – Click the Edit Page link (either on the Program or Site-level).

Step 7 – Click the Insert Image icon; it looks like a mountain with an orange sun.

Step 8 – In the Insert Image window, in the Image Src field, paste the URL you copied earlier. The URL may look similar to the following:

Step 9 – Click the OK button on the Insert Image window. Then click the Save button on the page editor.

This method is also great for uploading documents, such as ETO User manuals that can be accessed through links on the Home Page. If you are uploading a document, do not check the "This is an image attachment" setting when creating your TouchPoint.

If you have a legacy version of ETO and do not have TouchPoints, you can do the same thing using Assessments. However, there can be problems if you are trying to share a link to Assessments with multiple Sites, so using TouchPoints remain the best method.

Add Secure Images to Home Pages (Assessments)

Step 1 – Find the image you want to use and save it on your computer.

Step 2 – Create a General Assessment

  • Navigation Bar > Wizards > Assessment Wizard

  • Give the Assessment a name like "Image Attachment Assessment"

  • Select General from the Assessment Type drop-down

  • Click Continue

  • Select the File Attachment element type

  • Click Continue

  • Give the element any name

  • Check the box next to Image Attachment

  • Click Continue

  • Click OK on the pop-up

Step 3 – Upload the image/file.

  • Navigation Bar > Record Efforts > General Assessments

  • Click Take New Assessment

  • Select the Assessment you made from the drop-down (if you only have one general Assessment, it will automatically direct you into the general Assessment you just created)

  • Click Continue

  • Click the Upload button

  • Click Browse

  • Find the image on your computer and click Open

  • Click Upload

  • Click Submit

  • Click OK on the submitted pop-up

  • Click Continue

Step 4 – Get the image/file link.

  • Navigation Bar > Record Efforts > General Assessments

  • Click the toggle (+/-) on your Assessment to see the response you just created in step 3

  • In the Take Action column, select Read-Only from the drop-down

  • Click the View/Edit button under the image

  • Right-click on the file name in the pop-up window and select properties

  • Copy the URL by highlighting the whole URL and either pressing CTRL+C or right-clicking the highlighted portion and choosing Copy

  • Close the box and return to your Home Page

Step 5 – Go to the Home Page by clicking the Home tab across the top

Step 6 – Click Edit Page (either on the Program or Site-level)

Step 7 – Click the Insert Image icon; it looks like a mountain with an orange sun.

Step 8 – In the URL field, paste the URL you copied earlier.

Step 9 – Click the OK button on the Insert Image window. Then click Save on the Home Page.

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