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Add New Participant


Updated over 8 months ago

There are two ways to add new Participants to ETO:

Step 1 – Select "Participant" on the Navigation Bar.

Step 2 – Select "Add New Participant."

Step 3 – Complete all desired fields. (Note that fields with a red asterisks are required.)

Step 4 – Click the Save button.

Via the Quick Tabs:

Step 1 – Click "New" near the top of the Navigation Bar.

Step 2 – Select "Add New Participant."

Step 3 – Complete all desired fields. (Note that fields with a red asterisks are required.)

Step 4 – Click the Save button.

The Add New Participant screen is how a record is started for a Participant within the selected Program. After this screen is submitted, additional types of data, such as TouchPoints, Collections, and Referrals, can be attached to the record. 

The Demographics seen on this screen are a combination of Standard fields that come with the software, and Custom fields that were set up based on an organization's needs. Custom Demographics can be edited by an ETO Administrator (Site Administrator and above). Standard Demographics are hard coded and cannot be modified. 

Demographics may vary from Program to Program, although some fields (including all Standard Demographics and all Custom Demographics built with the Scope of Site), will appear in all Programs. 

The word ‘Participant’ within ‘Add New Participant’ at the top of the screen can be replaced by the Site Administrator via the Manage My Site page. Often times, organizations change the word Participant to client, youth, or child depending on the population served. When changed, the new text will replace ‘Participant’ when adding/editing/searching for a Participant/client. 

Data Entry

  • Use the tab key or the mouse/track pad to move from field to field.

  • Asterisks indicate a field is required (when a field is required, the User will not be able to submit the record without completing the required information). The Site Administrator may make other fields required from the Manage Demographics page.

  • Do not use the back button or enter keys.

  • Demographic descriptions are indicated by a question mark next to the demographic and the description will be displayed when the User hovers over the mark. This description can be edited on the Manage Demographics page.

Understanding Demographic Fields

  • “Case Number” may be used to capture any alphanumeric (letters and/or numbers) code that an organization uses to track Participants. This may be used instead of, or in addition to the SSN/SIN, and also can be used to “search” for a Participant in the software. To allow ETO to automatically generate a Case Number, update this demographic to "View Only" on the Manage Demographics page.

  • The SSN is validated once the SSN information has been entered in the field. The SSN field will accept an X instead of numbers if the SSN is unknown or unreadable.

  • Phone numbers require 10 digits. Enter 10 digits, move to another field, and the number will auto-format with parenthesis and a dash.

  • Zip code will auto-populate city, state and county once entered. Only 5 numbers are required, although 9 can be added if available.

  • DOB will auto-populate the age, in years, once submitted. An option is available under Manage Demographics to display age in developmentally appropriate units for Participants under 5 years old. If selected, age for infants less than one year of age will be displayed in months and weeks, and children between 1 and 5 years will have their age given in years and months. All Participants over 5 years old will continue to have their age displayed in years. 

  • The Standard Demographics Referral Source and Funding Source are both a special type of field called Entity Cross Reference. New options can be added through the Add New Entity feature. If there are Entities in other Programs in the site that should be listed in the current Program, they can be brought into the Program through Enroll Entity.

  • The Alert field (if enabled) will generate a pop-up with the data entered in that field when the Participant is accessed through View/Edit Participant, Participant Efforts, and Enroll Participant.

TIP: Entering Participants with the last name Fake is the witty way Bonterra developed ETO to train new Users, and allow Administrators to test functionality. After training completes, the Site Administrator can use the Delete Fakes feature to remove those Participants from ETO. Please don't use “fake” Participants such as John Doe, because it will be difficult to find and remove those records. For Participants with the real last name of “Fake” you can put a period or dash at the end of their name to avoid deleting them. 

Submitting the Add New Participant Page

  • Before completing all relevant demographic information on the first page, select the Participant’s Program Start Date at the top of the page. This date should be the date when the Participant started receiving services or completed an intake form. The Program Start Date can be backdated as necessary. Only the ETO Administrator can edit this date; please enter it carefully. Many ETO Administrators opt to make this date default to blank, rather than defaulting to today's date to prevent data entry errors. This is an option on the Manage Add Participant screen.

  • The Enroll in Program check box must be checked to enroll the Participant in the Program. The box will be automatically selected unless the ETO Administrator adjusts this setting on Manage Add Participant. If this box is not checked, the Participant will exist in ETO with no Program affiliation. To add the Participant to a program without this box, use the Enroll Participant feature.

  • The Projected Termination Date is optional. This field is not functional and will not dismiss Participants on the selected date - very few customers utilize this field. It can be hidden by the ETO Administrator on Manage Add Participant

Click Submit at the bottom of the page to save the record. A confirmation will appear to let the User know that the Participant has been successfully added to the Program. Click OK to move to the next screen, which is defined by the ETO Administrator on a Program by Program basis on the Manage Add Participant screen.

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