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Manage Housing

#HMIS #Rooms #Units

Updated over a week ago

Default User Role: Site Administrator

This feature is used by organizations that have a shelter or housing facility. It allows Site Administrators to create their own Housing Units and Rooms in their site.

  1. To access, go to Site Administration > Manage Housing

  2. To add a unit, Click Add New Unit at the top of the screen and fill in the name.

Note: The Auto Checkout feature is for automatically checking out Participants from rooms designated as "Overnight Only."

3. After you have successfully added the unit, click Add New Room next to the unit name.

4. Specify the number of beds available in the room, along with any other attributes. (These attributes are managed in Manage Feeder Tables). Selecting "Overnight Only" will end each participant's stay in the unit the day after the participant is added to the room.

Staff is then able to track room occupancy and make reservations for a room using Manage Rooms.

Note: you can include all clients, whether they are currently enrolled in the program or not, in the Housing Check-In results by going to Site Administration > Manage Programs (NEW) > edit the program > and check off "Include all participants in Housing Check-In search results."

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