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Batch Upload | User Batch Upload


Updated over a week ago

Batch Upload Tips:

  1. Check Securities. Is this an action you can take in ETO? Do you have proper securities to allow you to record/edit/update TouchPoint or Participants?

  2. Start Fresh. Download a fresh template for Batch Uploads. Copy and Paste data without formatting,

  3. Double Check Data. Complete all required fields, duplicate check information, make sure dates are accurate, double check data

  4. Test. Upload 1-2 rows of test data to ensure a proper upload

  5. Upload. We do not recommend uploading over 600 rows at once. Larger files may take longer to process.

Step by Step

There will be multiple tabs on the User Batch Upload template.  The first is for inserting your data and the second includes instructions for how to use the template.

  1. Make sure to enter data on the User Batch Upload sheet. The sheet titled Instructions contains helpful information, but it should be removed from the file once it is saved with user information and before attempting to upload into ETO.

  2. In the UpdateOrInsert column, which is the first column, fill in “Insert” if the account is new, and “Update” if the account is existing.

  3. Fill in the email address, which is the second column, of the user being updated or inserted. The Email column is required, and must contain a valid email address that is not currently being used within ETO if the user is being inserted. If the user is already in the system, make sure that the email address provided here matches the one in ETO.

  4. Fill in the cells for columns in Orange in the template. If the account is new, First Name, Last Name, and Password are required. For any information that is not necessary or does not apply, leave the column blank.

  • Prefix: Enter a prefix for the user.

  • FirstName: Enter the user’s first name.

  • MiddleInitial: Enter the user’s middle initial.

  • LastName: Enter the user’s last name.

  • Suffix: Enter the user’s suffix.

  • SSN: Enter the user’s SSN.

  • Password: Enter a temporary password for the user. Once the user logs into ETO for the first time, ETO will prompt them to change their password. If updating a user account, this column is not required.

  • WorkPhone: Enter the user’s work phone number. The format to be used is 555-555-5555.

  • CellPhone: Enter the user’s cell phone number. The format to be used is 555-555-5555.

  • Pager: Enter the user’s pager number. The format to be used is 555-555-5555.

  • Ext: Enter the user’s extension if they have one.

  • Fingerprinted: Enter a value of “Y” to check the Finger Printed box on the user’s account.

  • ReportingRole: The following values can be entered for this column: Enterprise Manager, Site Manager, or Staff. 

  • DisableUser: This field is used to disable existing accounts within ETO. Enter a value of “Y” to disable the user’s account.

5. Fill in the cells for columns in Blue in the template.

  • AllSiteAccess: To give this user access to all sites in the Enterprise, enter “Y” or “Yes.”

  • SiteIDorSiteName: Enter the Site ID or the Site name in this column.

    • Important: A Site Name or Site ID is required when updating a user, otherwise the batch upload will fail.

  • DisableFromSite: This column is used to disable the user from the site entered in SiteIDorSiteName.

  • Role:  Enter the user’s role in this column.

  • UserType: This column is used to insert a value for the User Type field in a user’s account record. The values are managed by a feeder table called Staff Types in Manage Feeder Tables under Site Administration.

  • RestrictParticipantAccesstoCaseload: This field corresponds to the check box under Manager User Accounts > Caseload Access. If answered “Yes,” the user’s ability to view participants will be restricted to their own caseload.

6. Fill in the cells for columns in Green.

  • AllProgramAccess: Answering “Yes” in this column will grant the user access to all of the same programs that the uploading user has access to.

  • AllCaseloadAccess: Answering “Yes” in this column will grant the user the ability to add and remove caseloads for themselves and others.

  • ProgramIDOrProgramName: Enter the name of the Program or the Program ID in this column. If this column is left blank, the user will be granted access to the program that the upload occurs in. (Note: Only one Program per User row can be entered at a time.)

  • RemoveFromProgram: Answering “Yes” will remove the user’s access from the program listed in ProgramIDOrProgramName.

  • DefaultProgramIDOrName: Enter the name or the program ID of the program that should be shown to the user when they log into ETO. Note: This value can only be included in an Update row and the user must already have access to the program in ETO.

  • CaseloadOwn: Answering “Yes” will grant the user the ability to add/remove participants in their own caseload.

  • CaseloadOthers: Answering “Yes” will grant the user the ability to add/remove participants in other users’ caseloads.

  • IgnoreCaseloadRestriction: Answering “Yes” to this column will ignore the setting selected in the RestrictParticipantAccesstoCaseload column for the program listed in this row.

7. Once all fields are filled out, save the document with a unique name for uploading purposes and that will be helpful to reference in the list of files on the Batch Upload page. Valid file types for use with the Batch Upload feature are .csv and .xlsx. If using .csv, commas cannot be included in the file.  Use find/replace to remove commas if they exist in the file.

Note: Boolean Fields above are listed in bold italics. Boolean means a value of Yes/No or Y/N will be accepted in the upload.

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